Page 27 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 27

Look at chapter 2, verse 7 and 8,
          “Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and smote Job
          with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. And
          he  took  a  potsherd  to  scrape  himself  while  he  was  sitting  among  the
           Men are generally sissies when it comes to pain. It seems like women can
           take a lot more of it than men can. If I have one boil on my body, that is
           enough to supply me with a topic of conversation for about a week, and it
           can supply my family with a full time job for about two weeks. I do not
           know what kind of boils these were, but verse eight implies that it was an
           intolerable itching. Now, itching can drive you crazy. I do not know if you
           have ever had poison ivy or some kind or a rash. I have itched before, but
           I  have  never  scrapped  myself  with  a  broken  piece  of  pottery.  What  a
           restless irritation it must have been to seek relief in that kind of a way.

           Now chapter 7, verse 5, tells that the boils were oozing. All these graphic
           details. I assume it was a repulsive sight. Chapter 2:12. Evidently, these
           were three of his closest friends, and the Bible says when his three friends
           came to see him they did not even recognize him. And when they saw him
           they just wept, because he was so sick. Now, adding to this fact, the fact
           that he had boils from head to foot,
           chapter 7, verses 4 and 5,
          “When I lie down I say, when shall I arise? But the night continues,
          and  I  am  continually  tossing  until  dawn.  My  flesh  is  clothed  with
          worms and a crust of dirt, my skin hardens and runs”
           There is a real suffering that comes with restlessness – tossing and turning
           all night long, not being able to sleep. Verse 4 and 5 show that he suffered
           all night. I do not know why it is, but it seems like suffering at night is
           unusually keen, and it seems to hurt a lot more. Maybe it is because you
           are  not  thinking  about  other  things  or there  is  nothing  to  interfere  with
           your thoughts. Expositors are not dead sure what this disease was that Job
           had.  There  is  all  kind  of  conjecture.    But  so  many  graphic  details  are
           given in the book, like verse 20 of chapter 19. It says that he was escaping
           death by the skin of his teeth. He was constantly at death’s door all the
           time. In chapter 30:17, it says that he never had a moment’s intermission
           from pain. You know, sometime you say, the pain  is  gone now for ten
           minutes, and I have a break. Job did not have a ten minute break; it was
           relentless. It buffeted him all the time.
           Chapter  30:30,  said  that  on  top  of  everything  he also  had  a  high  fever
           which, of course, weakens you. Then the Bible says that the effect of it
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