Page 24 - Reading Job to Know God
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(Ephesians 3:20). Glorious results will follow as by-products. Trials are
going to build your character. Tribulation is going to teach you patience,
and you are going to have blessings for sure. It will be used in your life to
minister and assist others. And you are going to abort Satan in your life.
You will finally cry out, “O wretched man that I am!” But the main thing
is to see God. All of those other things are BY-PRODUCTS. So, if God
put you in the grinder. If God has done abrasive things in your life. If
God has engineered your steps so that the bottom falls out and leaves you
empty. I do not know all the little details, but I know the full answer. I
know why. People say, why did God allow this in my life? I know why.
Job tells me why. So you might see God as El Shaddai, as the God Who is
more than enough. You see, God does not enjoy people suffering.
Lamentations 3:33 says that. He takes no delight in it at all! He is not
sadistic. He has no joy in needless suffering. He doesn’t relish seeing you
squirm. He does not sadistically excavate your nature to get down to the
root. But He surely enjoys revealing Himself. Manifesting His own dear
Son. And Job ended up seeing God.
“I have heard of Thee (he said) but now my eyes seeth
Thee; therefore I repent in dust and ashes.”
Reading JOB to Know God
Chapter 3 Partial Answers to the Mysteries of Life
Before we look at the first two chapters which we have called “God’s
partial answer to the mysteries of life”, let me say a word or two about the
sufferings of Job. Now, I think even the most uninstructed person in the
Word of God hears the name Job and thinks suffering. Job was one of the
world’s great sufferers. Now, he was not the greatest sufferer. Who was
the world’s greatest sufferer? The Lord Jesus. As far as the record goes,
the Apostle Paul suffered much for the Lord. There have been tens of
thousands tortured for Christ through the ages. At least this much is sure.
Job was up there with the best of them. Let me name three things that
show the severity of his suffering. The first is the time element.
Chapter 1:13,