Page 21 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 21

Chapter 2:10 his wife tells him to “Curse God and die”, but he said to her,
          “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept
          good from God and not accept adversity?” In all this, “Job did not sin with
          his lips”.
           Job was patient, at least at first. Later on in the book he becomes very
           inpatient, but he starts off seemingly at peace. God gave it; God took it
           away; “Blessed be the name of the Lord”.
           It  almost  doesn’t  seem  possible,  but  the  kind  of  deep  rooted  self-
           righteousness of Job can often be strengthened and more deeply set by
           outward  displays  of  patience.  Being  or  acting  patient,  while  all  hell  is
           breaking lose, can appear to be great virtue. “What a great man!” He was
           great in adversity. He was great in his fortunes. And now he is great in his
           misfortunes. When the blessing came on him he was a great man. He said
           God gave me all this. Then it is all removed, and he is still a great man.
           He says look how patiently I am bearing all this. I am a great man of God.
           So patience actually bolstered his self-righteousness. God had to take him
           beyond that, and Job had to go through some deeper waters.

                          THE TRUE THEME OF JOB
           All of these dealings, with all of the severity in Job’s life, brought him to
           two conclusions. If  you  miss these conclusions you may never get  the
           true theme of Job. Number 1: I am righteous. I have not done anything
           wrong. I do not deserve what is coming upon me. I do not deserve this
           trouble. Number 2: God is my enemy. He could not be my friend and do
           all of this to me. Now let me show you a couple of verses to back this up.
           Chapter 30:21. Job says:
          “You have become cruel to me; With the might of Your hand You
          persecute me.”
          Then chapter 33 verse 10,
          "Behold, He invents pretexts against me; He counts me as His enemy.
          He puts my feet in the stocks; He watches all my paths.”

          Chapter 31, beginning at verse 35. Same thing!
          “Oh that I had one to hear me! Behold, here is my signature; let the
          Almighty  answer  me!  And  the  indictment  which  my  adversary  has
          written, (He’s referring to God) surely I would carry it on my shoulder,
          I  would  bind  it  to  myself  like  a  crown.  I  would  declare  to  Him  the
          number of my steps; Like a prince I would approach Him.”

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