Page 22 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 22

Do you see what he is saying? If my enemy would just come out in the open,
          but  He  is  hiding  up  there  in  heaven  someplace.  If  He  would  come  out,  I
          would  walk  right  up  to  Him,  I  would  put  my  forehead  against  His  and  I
          would say: “Why is this going on in my life? What have I done? I do not
          deserve this”. He is my enemy.  Those are his  conclusions.  Job thought it
          all through, reasoned with his philosopher friends, and concluded, I do not
          deserve this; God is my enemy.

          The shell of Job was very hard, and God had to crack that impenetrable crust
          of self-righteousness. God had to go deep. He needed a stripping. Job needed
          to see his depravity. He needed to see his self- righteousness, but if the book
          ended there we might as well not have it in the Bible! God was going to
          show him much more than that. What he needed was to see God! He needed
          a vision of the Lord.
                          KEY TO THE WHOLE BOOK

           Do you see what God is doing? The whole book of Job is about seeing
           God. It is about a vision of God, and anything in my life that hinders that
           vision of God, God will blast! God will remove. Look at chapter 42. This
           is your key to the whole book. Verse 5
          “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees
           Did Job’s physical eye see God? No, his physical eye did not see God. He
           is talking about the eye of faith. “I have heard of You by the hearing of
           the ear; but now my eye sees You; therefore I retract, and I repent in
           dust and ashes.” It took the whole book to get him to say that. I have
           heard of Thee God, now I see Thee, therefore I repent.
           How is a man going to repent? First he has to see God, then, he repents.
           All of the beating, and stripping, and breaking happened so that he would
           get  a  view  of  El  Shaddai,  the  God  who  is  more  than  enough.  That  he
           would see Him, and by seeing Him have a corresponding view of himself.
           See himself in the pure light of God and see his own self-righteousness.
           He was not ready to say “I am vile, I am dirty, I am self-righteous”, until
           he saw God.

           Now this is the exact opposite of the psychologists today who talk about
           self-examination. This idea of introspection. Look into your heart. Look
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