Page 16 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 16
created this world to illustrate the spiritual world and so we live is a world
of shadows. The spiritual world existed long before the physical.
Hebrews 11:1-3 “Now faith is the assurance of the things we hope for, the
proof of the reality of the things we cannot see. By faith we understand that
the worlds were created, beautifully coordinated, and now exist, at God’s
command; so the things that we see did not develop out of things that
appear.” The invisible first, then the visible.
The invisible wisdom and purpose of God has existed from eternity past.
Our world including the Earth, the Solar System and indeed the entire
known cosmos was created by God to picture/manifest His things.
Women have babies in order to illustrate the new birth in Christ. To be
“Born Again”, to be “Born from above”, came first. God says, how shall I
picture that? And He created a mother bearing a baby. This demonstrates
a love seed being nurtured in a dark hidden place. And at the time of
God’s choice, delivered into a new world. Why did God create the soil?
He created the soil to show the nature and character of men’s hearts.
Some are rocky ; some are rich and tilled; some are wayward and some
are thorny. It always shows the condition of man’s heart. Why did He
create the vine? Why did He create water? Why did He create food? Why
did He create the sunshine? Why do we walk down something called a
path? Why is there such a thing as a rock or a fortress? They are all three
dimensional pictures of four dimensional reality. Everything in this
physical creation was created to manifest spiritual truth.
Now let me draw one application and then we are going to try to get more
tuned in on the message of Job. You are living here in the unreal world,
the world of pictures, shadows and types. In this world there is a war
going on between God and Satan. And you are the battlefield on which
that war takes place. Do not be surprised if you do not always understand
what is going on in your life. You really shouldn’t be surprised at all. As
a matter of fact I would be surprised if we understood one hundredth of
one percent of anything that goes on in our life. We are rarely aware of the
effects of the spiritual world!
God has a program of redemption! God is using us, and would you have
ever dreamed that you would be teaching angels! We are showing them
the many colored manifold wisdom of God. Ephesians 3:10
“God's purpose in all this was to use the church to display his
wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in
the heavenly places.