Page 14 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 14
God the Creator of all things: 10:8 and 35:10.
Satan’s sphere of influence: 1:12 and 2:6.
The creation of man from dust: 1:21, 30:23.
Man’s utter moral depravity: 4:17, 5:6-7, 7:20, 9:20, 14:1, 21:33.
Jehovah, His covenant name: 1:21, 12:9.
That’s enough. Do you see what I am doing? A whole Bible of theology
is found in the oldest book in the Bible. That is an amazing thing! I point
that out to show that these Old Testament saints were privileged. Do not
think that you have something they did not have. They had it all.
But there is something even more wonderful than that. I never knew this
until my study of Job. Not only does it show God’s provision for Old
Testament saints, but by choosing Job as the instrument rather than
Abraham, He reminds us of His love for Gentiles as well as Jews. You
see, Job was not a Jew. Job was not a Hebrew. He did not dwell in
Canaan. He was from the East. He lived in Arabia. Job and his friends
were not Hebrews. They were Gentiles. You talk about missions in the
Old Testament. This is amazing. What a picture! Not only of how much
God has given the Jews, but how much light God gave mankind way
back in the days of Abraham. Boy, I tell you, this is tremendous!
God has always had a worldwide heart. I used to read the Bible and
think that the Israelites were God’s pets, that God favored them. They
never were. They are not God’s favorites. They are children of His favor,
but that is not the same as being His favorite. God chose the Jews as a
channel to get the Gospel to the whole wide world. God’s heart is for
missions. Job will live forever as the one who has set this principle of
God’s heart in stone. Job will stand forever as the witness of how much
God revealed to mankind before Moses, before the Law, before the
Levitical system. Job was a priest, but he was not a Jewish priest. You see,
he was a Gentile priest. He was a priest of the universal family of
It astonishes me how this book was received into the Hebrew Bible.
Doesn’t it thrill your heart to see a Gentile described by God as a perfect
and upright man? One that feared God, hated evil, and was not a Jew. He
was acknowledged by God Himself in the presence of the angels, as to
have no equal, to have no match on the earth. Right from the beginning