Page 15 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 15
God opens the message to our hearts that Jesus Christ is the “Son of all
mankind”. He is a God for all people, and His love and His care and His
forgiveness and His fellowship is not limited to anyone in any age, in any
place, at any time. It is always “For whosoever will.” Acts 14:16-17 says:
“In the generations gone by He permitted all the nations to go their
own ways; and yet He did not leave Himself without a witness.” Boy,
is Job proof of that.
One thing I get out of this is that it refutes the notion that paganism and
idolatry is an outgrowth of primitive religion. Well, Job shoots that
argument right in the head, and puts it to rest forever. Paganism and
idolatry are not an outgrowth of primitive religion. How much more
primitive can you get than the book of Job? People, in actuality, turn to
idolatry and paganism because they are turning from the true and living
God. Turning from, the light of the Bible. It is a defection from the truth;
it is a corruption of it. The ancient religion, if we can call it religion, was
the truth of God. That truth is primal and has not changed even to this day.
So God chose Job, over anybody else, to present this message as an all-
inclusive foundation that all who follow might rest upon. The fact that
God always wins the battle over Satan gets illustrated in Job’s body and in
his life. That is the great message of the whole Bible, and so He gives it to
us in picture form right at the beginning. Sometimes it looks like Satan is
winning, but he is not.
Some have called Job the great battlefield on which God and Satan are
fighting. And since Job was a representative man, every Christian is a
literal “war zone”. Now with this in mind, let me suggest that there are
two worlds, the visible world and the invisible world. A world of matter
which we can see, taste, feel and touch with our senses. And then the
invisible world. The world of spirits, angels and demons, i.e. “God’s
world”. That invisible world and this physical world have a relationship
with each other. The things that go on up there affect the things that take
place down here. I used to believe that what we call the visible world was
the “real world”. I still say the visible world and the invisible world are
closely related, but I have come to see that it is the invisible world which
is indeed the “real world”.
Now that goes contrary to what we generally think. It goes contrary to
what the natural heart of man believes. The natural man believes that this
is the real world. Where I can touch things and taste things. It is not! God