Page 12 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 12

“A curse on you experts in the law, because you have  taken away
           the  Key  (Jesus)  to  the  door  of  knowledge!  You  did  not  go  in
           yourselves, and you kept out those who tried to get in.”

           So chapters 1 and 2 – God’s partial answers to the mysteries of life–
           Satan is the answer. We will get  into that in some detail.  That is part
           of the  explanation.  And  then  man’s  key  that  never  works.  And  then
           God’s  full  answer,  the  skeleton  key,  the  combination  that  unlocks
           God’s vault of truth.

                     GOD FOSSILIZES HIS TRUTH

           Now  before  we  get  any  further  into  Job,  before  I  go  through  what    I
           believe is the theme and the main burden on my heart. Let me tell you why
           I think God used Job’s life to give this message. You see, He could have
           put this message in David’s life or Samuel’s life or Solomon or Isaiah or
           Paul or Peter. But He did not. He chose Job instead. The Lord needed to
           demonstrate this primal truth forever in one man. This reminded me of the
           phenomenon we call fossils. We all know that a fossil is an impression of
           some kind of life. Either plant or animal life that is usually extinct and
           found preserved in a rock. It might be a tree or a leaf or a fern. It might be
           the skeleton of an insect, a fish, or a dinosaur. The point I am trying to
           make is the fossil gives value to the rock. The rock has no value except for
           the impression made on it. But  embedded in that old stone is an image
           we  call  a  fossil.  The  image  is  priceless.  We  search  for  these  ancient
           impressions as valuable evidence of life lived long ago.
           Just so the events and people in the Bible were chosen by God. It is not
           that they are anything in themselves. Job was nothing. There have been a
           thousand Jobs that never made the pages of the Bible. He’s not the only
           one who ever suffered, nor was his suffering the greatest of all time. There
           are  other  David’s  and  other  Peter’s,  who  have  trusted  in  the  Lord  but
           never made the Bible. Job is in the scriptures because God fossilized a
           truth in the rock of his life. Now, everybody knows Job. And all of the
           events in the Bible are the same way. That is why there is no such thing as
           an uninteresting passage in the Bible. It cannot be! Because if your heart
           is right and you are seeking the Lord, you will find fossilized principles
           and precious truths in every historical event. Proverbs 25:2
           “It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to
           search things out.”

           Let me suggest why I think God gave us this message through this man
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