Page 8 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 8
If you look in your Bible you are going to find that Job is the beginning of
a section of books. I do not know if you are familiar with this, but the
more you study the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the more
you are going to see that every book in the Bible is arranged in the order
that God wanted it. It is intentionally arranged. For example, Job is the
oldest book written. Chronologically that would make it first not
eighteenth. We will see that God has a reason for that.
Let me show you how it fits. The first seventeen Books, from Genesis
through Esther, are called Historical Books. As a matter of fact, when you
come to Esther you have come as far as the Old Testament takes you in
history. As far as the record goes, Malachi does not take you any further
than Esther does.
Then you have a group of books, five of them, called the Poetical Books.
Job is number one on that list. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the
Song of Solomon. The Old Testament ends up with the Prophetical Books
that run from Isaiah to Malachi. The Poetical Books add the color
commentary, the emotional landscape to the history of the redemptive
experience. We have the Poetical Books to reveal the heart of God which
you might miss just reading the history.
You say, what does all this mean? Well, here is where you get your
answer. You have the exact same pattern in the New Testament. You also
start with the Historical Books from Matthew to the book of Acts. Then
you have your Epistles which are your Poetical section, the fully
developed revelation of The Lord’s heart. It takes you from Romans all
the way to Jude. The Prophetical section is the book of Revelation which
ends the whole Bible. So the Old Testament and the New Testament are in
the exact intentional order.
In the Old Testament the Poetical books (Job, Psalms, Proverbs
Ecclesiastes and Songs) explain the history of redemption in what I like to
call “seed form”. The truth of God and His redemptive plan is presented in
embryonic, picture form. The Lord uses seeds in which He hides His
miraculous wisdom, both in His Bible and throughout His creation. So
perhaps we’ve answered the famous question “What came first the
chicken or the egg?” From God’s point of view, from a developmental
perspective, the egg/seed always comes first and the chicken/matured
creation is manifested last. So all the “seed principles” of God which are
abundant in the Old Testament find their fulfillment in the New
Testament. Mark 4:26- 28,