Page 10 - Reading Job to Know God
P. 10

have heard of the patience of Job and seen the end of the Lord.” The
           truth is it looks mostly like the end of Job. But he comes out on top. He
           eventually triumphs victoriously as an object lesson for us all. Now let’s
           fly again and try to see the book as awhole.
           Let me give you the outline. Chapters 1 and 2 are the prose introduction.
           Now I call attention to the fact that it is prose because prose simply means
           “not poetry”. That’s interesting! We are studying the poetical section, and
           it  begins  with  prose.  God  gives  a  partial  explanation  in  the  first  two
           chapters  of  why  the  righteous  suffer.  He  doesn’t  give  the  full  answer.
           Then in chapters 3 through 42:6 the bulk of the book, you have the poem.
           The poetry we find here is both elegant and gut wrenching.
           First of all, from chapters 3-31, you have the debates of the three friends
           of Job. Now, God calls them friends, and He says “Pray for your friends”.
           Job  did  not  exactly  have  that  same  opinion  of  them.  He  called  them
           “miserable  comforters”,  and  they  were.  Job’s  friends  try  to  explain  to
           him why he is suffering. You see, God has given a partial answer, Satan.
           But remember, Job did not have access to the first two chapters. God gave
           them to us, but Job was unaware. He started in chapter 3 when the bottom
           fell  out  of  everything,  and  he  did  not  understand  that  Satan  had  gone
           before the Throne of God. That God had given Satan permission to pull
           the fence down, take the hedge away and to strip him to the bone. He did
           not understand that. So they are trying to figure out what is going  on.
           And  these  three  “miserable  comforters”,  try  to  explain  his    dilemma.
           They try but they don’t, in fact they make things worse.
           Two  of  them  speak  three  times  and  one  of  them  speaks  twice,  and  in
           between Job answers them back. At one time one of them went forward
           and spit in Job’s face and at another time one went and slapped him across
           the face. These were red hot discussions. He was lying in his sickbed and
           they pummeled him with their accusations and worldly wisdom. Have you
           ever  been  down  and  confused  and  been  surrounded  by  such  wonderful
           counselors. Unfortunately in the Body of Christ there are more “miserable
           comforters” than you can shake a stick at. They love to connect your pain
           and suffering to your actions, church, beliefs, lack of prayer etc. etc. etc.
           Then in chapters 32-37, there is a man I really like. His name is Elihu.
           Elihu  was  a  fourth  friend  (Like  the  fourth  man  in  the  fire  we  see  in
           Daniel). I think the principle is when 3 dimensions fail, we must turn to
           the God of the 4  dimension. He came along and although he did not give
           the right answer either, he did get Job looking in the right direction. He
           was a lot closer than these three miserable comforters who really missed
           the mark. Job, in defending himself, missed the mark himself. Elihu

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