Page 163 - Job
P. 163

as we study. But most of all, Job was a blessing to the heart of God. Vs 7 -
           8, God says four times,“My servant Job,” vs 9 “The Lord accepted Job”.
           Editor’s Comment: Many years ago I went through what
           my  friends  and  family  aptly  described  as  a  “Job
           experience”.  Y2K  and    the    doomsday    predictions    fell
           short  of  expectations  throughout  the  world,    but    not    in
           my life. A quick overview:

           2000  Colon  cancer,  2002  we  lost  our    19    year    old
           daughter,  Beth,  in  a    fatal    car    accident.    2005    my    wife
           dies  of  leukemia  and  a  broken  heart    2006    Prostate
           cancer  2007  I  lose  my  mom,  best  friend  and  Trixie,    the
           best dog ever.
           It then is no surprise to find me in the Psych ward at
           Overlook Hospital in NJ on suicide watch. Even though I
           had been a pastor, worship leader, Bible teacher and
           counselor,  I  was  in  one  of  the  deepest  depressions  I
           have  ever  seen.  The  worst  part  of  it  was  feeling
           abandoned by God. Feeling like “the most cursed man
           on earth”, who was being punished for some sin or sins I
           had  done,  or  thought.  Living  every  moment,  in  a
           whirlwind of confusion, guilt and hopelessness. Trying
           to  understand  the  nature  of  God  by  looking  at  our
           circumstances is the plight of many of us, or most of us,
           at some time in our spiritual  journey.
           It can be a terribly hard thing when God  allows  you to
           see that your head and your heart live in two different
           worlds. When what you thought was faith was just some
           mental assent to theological principles. But because He
           loves  Zion,  “He  will  allure  His  remnant  into  the    desert
           and  speak  tenderly  to  her”(Hosea  2:14).  Do  you  know
           what  Zion  means?  We  super  achievers  like  to  think  of
           ourselves  on  the  Holy  Hill  of  the  Lord  proclaiming  our
           overcomer  status.  But  it  means  “parched”.  It  is  the
           fundamental condition our Lord Jesus said would cause
           us  to  be  blessed.  “Blessed  are  the  poor  in  spirit,    for
           theirs  is  the  kingdom  of  heaven”.  How  happy    are    the
           dry. How joyful the empty. Which kingdom reigns in my
           life. Oh brothers and sisters I was “Zion”, I was parched.
           Out of divine  breath.

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