Page 166 - Job
P. 166
Job had no problem surrendering at the beginning of the
book. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” But as
his trials increased and the arguments get hotter, his
surrender begins to taste a little bitter. His patience
cannot be seen at all. What changed in Job that caused
him to repent in dust and ashes? What caused him to
have compassion on friends and family and placed him
in the position to bear new and abundant fruit?
It was the revelation of God, in the face of Jesus
Christ. You see Job was surrendering like a prisoner of
war. Beaten, weak and defeated. Yes, he fully realized
the awesome power and creative abilities of the
Almighty. But he felt crushed under that power and
utterly helpless. He feared that God might be capricious.
He seemed to be playing with Job’s body and soul in a
frivolous and almost sardonic fashion. But with the light
of revelation Job suddenly knew that although God
didn’t need him for the creation and sustenance of His
Kingdom, God wanted him! He designed Him to bless
His heart and to shine in His creation. Where was Job
when God did all that He did? He was, as you and I were,
chosen in Christ Jesus before the foundations of the
world. Ephesians 1:3-4 “Blessed be the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all
spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
According as He hath chosen us in Him before the
foundation of the world, that we should be holy and
without blame before Him in love.”
Job knew how to surrender as a prisoner of war. But
with this new understanding of how much he was loved,
purposed and desired, he could surrender the way God
intended from eternity past. The surrender of a bride,
deeply and honestly loved, into the arms of her beloved.
That is the game changer! We are called to be His Bride.
Our problem never was to love, for we were always in
awe of His Beauty and Power. Our problem is to trust
the King of the Universe. It is a surrendering trust that
allows the bride to have abandoned intimacy with her
Groom. The safety of this divine marriage covenant