Page 17 - Psalms Ebook
P. 17

Reading  PSALMS  to Know God

        Chapter 2                 The Model for All Psalms

        Psalm  1  is  not  only  the  first  psalm  and  a  wonderful  song,  but  is  the
        introduction to the whole collection.  In other words, the Holy Spirit puts
        this first.  Oh, the condensed fullness in this Psalm.  This is a big, little
        Psalm.  It prepares you for everything that follows. This Psalm, in a few
        sentences,  six  verses,  expresses  and  contains  the  substance  of  all  one
        hundred  and  fifty  Psalms.    Everything  is  in  Psalm  1,  so  it  virtually
        prepares you for all the rest.  Follow along, please, as we read it together.

        “How  blessed  is  the  man  who  does  not  walk  in  the  counsel  of  the
        wicked,  nor stand in the way of sinners.  Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
        But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates
        day and night.  He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
        Which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither;   And in
        whatever he does, he prospers.  The wicked are not so,  But they are
        like chaff which the wind drives away.   Therefore the wicked will not
        stand in the judgment,  nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
        For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,  but the way of the
        wicked will perish.”

        As you know by looking in your Bibles, the first two Psalms do not have
        a  human  author  ascribed  to  them.    In  other  words,  it  does  not  say,  a
        Psalm of David or a Psalm of Asaph.  We do not know who wrote Psalm
        1 or Psalm 2.  As  I told you, the book of Psalms is so long that they
        divided it into five books.  The first book is the first forty-one chapters.
        Well, thirty-eight of those forty-one chapters are ascribed to David.  The
        other three – Psalm 1, Psalm 2 and Psalm 10 – we don’t know.  Some
        people  think  David  wrote  them.    Some  people  think  Solomon  wrote
        them.  I think there is strong evidence that Solomon wrote Psalm 1, but
        that is not important.  The important thing is that Psalm 1 is a summary
        of all of the Psalms.

        The  first  Psalm  is  about  God’s  law.    The  second  psalm  is  about
        prophets.    God  has  given  us  a  great  introduction  –  the  law  and  the
        prophets.  In other words, the whole Bible.  So both of them could be
        considered an introduction.  But we are not going to look at Psalm 2 as
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