Page 19 - Psalms Ebook
P. 19

If  you  look  at  the  Psalm  in  a  surface  way,  you  might  think  it  is
        conditional.    If  I  do  this  or  I  do  that  or  the  other  thing,  then  God
        guarantees I will be prosperous and fruitful.   But that is not what it is
        saying.  It is not that way at all.  What it is saying is this is a godly man,
        and  this  is  the  result  of  such  a  life.    These  wonderful  fruits  are  a  by-
        product of his life.  I think that will be clear as we go through the rest of
        the Psalms.

        Another contrast is this.  What you see with these eyes and what you see
        with the eyes of your heart.  There is the outside and the inside.  Psalm
        one describes reality.  Psalm one describes truth.  That is how it is.  It
        does not always look that way, but that is how it is.  That is the fact.

        It looks like the Psalm is teaching this:  If I am a godly man and set my
        heart on the Lord and I love His law, and I meditate all day long and all
        night long, then I am going to be successful and fruitful and happy and
        prosperous.  That is what it looks like.  On the other hand, if I walk in
        the  counsel  of  the  ungodly,  and  stand  in  the  way  of  sinners,  and  seat
        myself with the scornful, if I do not meditate in God’s word, I will be
        like the chaff which the wind drives away.  I will be unproductive and

        Wonderful poetry, but is it true?  In other words, when you look around
        you say, honesty is the best policy, no question about it, and virtue is its
        own reward – that kind of thing.  But honesty as a policy does not always
        get you houses and land, and virtue, which is its own reward.  It does not
        always bring you honor and distinction.  It would be wonderful if when
        you look out in the world, you could say, there is justice.  If somebody is
        wicked, God blows them away.  If somebody is good, God rewards him.
        Except  sometime,  we  see  the  exact  opposite  (Just  read  Job  in  this
        regard).  Someone points to verse five and tries to get comfort out of it.
        It says: “Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment.”  And so
        they say, yeah, but in the future they will get theirs.  Someday,  maybe
        not in this life.  That is sort of a cold comfort to my impatience.  I know
        it is true.  Someday in eternity God is going to bring justice, but what
        about now?

        Then as I thought this out I was glad that God is in charge of things.  You
        see,  my  heart  would  love  to  pray,  reward  the  righteous  and  blow  the
        wicked away like chaff.  Of course, when I say that, guess who I am?
        You  see,  I’m  saying  that  I  am  one  of  the  righteous  ones.    They  say
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