Page 21 - IMPRESSION Newsletter April19
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3. Be inquisitive and curious. An attitude of
active searching increases your options
and your potential for spiritual centering.
Don't shut doors before you check out
what is behind them. For example, the
laying on of hands may be a powerful
centering experience. A silent retreat
might renew your enthusiasm. Meditation
or yoga may very well allow you to The spring is known for bright colors and
experience tranquility and peace. wonderful holidays that are filled with cultural
and religious traditions, including Holy Week,
4. Be receptive to pain and grief. Pain helps Passover, and Easter. These are widely celebrated
us focus on the widest questions of our by millions of people in various countries.
being. It's a deepener. A life without pain
leads to a sparse, shallow existence. Allow Holy Week
yourself to feel your pain fully, then ask, Holy Week, or “Passion Week” is the week
"What is it trying to teach me?" preceding Easter. It is also the last week of Lenten
season and includes Palm Sunday, Holy
5. Be playful. Play is a pleasurable, freeing Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and
experience. It breeds spontaneous Holy Saturday. It does not include Easter Sunday.
enthusiasm and celebration. When you This year Holy Week begins on April 14th and
make music, dance, laugh, sing - however concludes on April 20th.
you play - listen for sounds of the spirit.
Seeking Spirituality on Your Terms
Passover is the major Jewish holiday that
To discover what spirituality means for you commemorates the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt,
and how it can play an important role in your and their transition from slavery to freedom. The
life, consider these questions. Your answers main ritual of Passover is the seder, which occurs
may provide clues to enhance your own on the first two nights of the holiday — a festive
spiritual well-being. meal that involves the re-telling of the Exodus
- What gives your life meaning and through stories and song and the consumption of
purpose? ritual foods, including matzah and maror (bitter
- What gives you hope? herbs). This year, Passover begins at sundown on
- How do you get through tough times? Friday, April 19th, and ends Saturday evening,
Where have you found comfort? April 27th.
- What are your 3 most memorable Easter
- If you belong to a religious community, Easter is a very significant date within Christianity
and is the foundation of the Christian faith. Easter
how are you connected to this group?
- If you have survived losses in your life, celebrates the day it is believed that Christ was
resurrected from the tomb on the third day after
how have you done so? his crucifixion. Easter is the fulfilled prophecy of
- Describe a time or instance when you felt the Messiah who would be persecuted, and
comfortable and that all was right with the through his death, gave the gift of eternal life in
world. heaven to those who believe in his death and
- Describe a time when your life was filled resurrection. This year, Easter falls on April 21st.
with a sense of meaning or when you
experienced a sense of awe.