Page 19 - January 2020 Impression
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Healthy at Hopkins

     January 2020
     Keep the Pressure Down

     Understanding Blood Pressure

        A blood pressure reading is measured as   How Can I lower My Sodium
        two numbers. The top number, systolic   Intake?
        pressure, measures how much pressure   1.  Look At The Label
        is put on the wall of the arteries each
        time the heart beats. The bottom         It is recommended to consume no more
        number, diastolic pressure, measures     than 2,300mg of sodium/day. Most of
        how much pressure is put on the wall     our sodium comes from processed or
        of the arteries between each heartbeat.    packaged foods, so look at the nutrition
        This is called diastolic pressure. High   label to see how much sodium you
        blood pressure occurs when either        are consuming! For example, 1 can of
        systolic or diastolic pressure is elevated.   condensed tomato soup is 1,110mg of
        Over time high blood pressure puts       sodium. That is close to half of the daily
        extra stress on the wall of the arteries   sodium recommendation in one meal!
        which can weaken or damage them.
        Additionally, high blood pressure can   2.  Cook More at Home
        lead to other health conditions such as   Making your own foods allows you to
        heart attack, heart disease or stroke.   have better control over the amount
                                                 of salt added to foods. Try limiting
        While nearly half of Americans have      packaged and processed foods and
        high blood pressure, many people may     focus on whole ingredients. Have some
        not know anything is wrong as there      fun using herbs and spices to add flavor   For more information
        are no symptoms. Fortunately, blood      and keep the salt content low.           access the Healthy
        pressure screenings can help to identify
        and prevent high blood pressure. There   3.  Switch Out The Snacks                at Hopkins portal
        are many healthy lifestyle habits you    Try switching up your daily snack        through
        can practice that prevent and reduce     routine. Instead of salted pretzels, try
        high blood pressure such as reducing     1/4c of unsalted almonds to help satisfy
        your sodium intake.                      your crunch craving. You can try air
                                                 popping your own popcorn then use
                                                 spices such as garlic powder and red
                                                 pepper flakes for a flavor boost!

        American Heart Association | Office of Disease Prevent
        and Health Promotion | U.S. Department of Agriculture
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