Page 24 - October Impression
P. 24

Healthy at Hopkins

     October 2019
     More Fiber. Less Salt.
     Keep the Pressure Down.

     Don’t Forget These Nutrients for a Healthy Heart

      The phrase “heart-healthy” is frequently   which can decrease your risk of heart
      used to describe foods, but what does it   disease and stroke.
      really mean? Heart-healthy foods such
      as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole   Foods to Choose: Fatty fish (e.g. salmon,
      grains contain nutrients that play a role in   tuna), flaxseed or flax meal, walnuts,
      lowering your risk of heart disease. What   chia seeds, edamame
      in these foods gives them the benefits in
      the first place?                      Folate
                                            Folate is well-known for its importance
      Fiber                                 during pregnancy, but it also contributes
      Eating an adequate amount of fiber intake   to heart health. Folate may reduce your
      can reduce the risk of heart disease,   risk for heart attack because it breaks
      stroke, high blood pressure, type 2   down homocysteine, an amino acid
      diabetes, and obesity.                which in excess can damage arteries.
       •  Men ages 19-50 should aim for 38    Foods to Choose: Dark leafy greens (e.g.
         grams of fiber daily               spinach), asparagus, oranges, beans,
       •  Women ages 19-50 should aim for    peanuts, lentils
         25 grams daily
       •  Men over the age of 50 should aim    Water
         for 30 grams daily                 Proper hydration makes it easier for the    For more information
       •  Women over the ago of 50 should    heart to pump blood throughout the         access the Healthy at
         aim for 21 grams daily.            body, meaning that the heart doesn’t        Hopkins portal through
      Fiber works best when it absorbs water,   have to work as hard. Men should aim
      so be sure to drink enough water while   for 15.5 cups daily and women should or https://
      you’re increasing your intake.        aim for 11.5 cups daily- more if you are    login.johnshopkins.
                                            sick, pregnant, or have been sweating a
      Foods to Choose: Fruits and vegetables,   lot. Limiting sodium can help keep our   edu/healthyathopkins
      beans and legumes, whole grains, nuts   bodies balanced too.
      and seeds
                                            Drinks/Foods to Choose: Water (e.g.
      Omega-3 Fatty Acids                   plain, infused, sparkling), unsweetened
      Omega-3s are needed by the body for   tea, watermelon, berries, lettuce,
      many functions, including blood clotting   cucumbers
      and cell membrane maintenance.
      Research has shown that omega-3s also   Heart-healthy foods contain nutrients
                                            that play a role in lowering your risk of
      play a role in reducing inflammation
                                            heart disease.
      American Heart Association | National Institutes of Health
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