Page 20 - October Impression
P. 20


                Stores From the Heart

          "Every one of the staff members were                           "I have and continue to have such

      pleasant and professional. I have never had a                      amazing care from everyone in the
        bad experience at Johns Hopkins in the 14                      hospital. Not that I want to come back
       years I have been going there for my health.                  anytime soon but I know Bayview is now

          They are truly the best in my opinion."                    and forever my go to hospital. All of you

                                                                        are amazing from the cleaners, food
         "I appreciate the time and care that the                        staff, every nurse, doctor, security
       staff showed me. They make sure that you                           guards...EVERYONE! Thank you!"
       are comfortable and calm when going thru

            this procedure. Thank you for your
                            service."                               "The staff I had was absolutely amazing.

                                                                     They were knowledgeable, courteous,
            "I was very pleased with my overall                      and diligent. My expectations based on
          experience. Everyone involved with my                      any previous comparable experiences
            testing was knowledgeable and very                        were exceeded in every possible way

                         professional."                                        throughout the visit."

        "Wow! I am grateful for the care I rcvd!! From scheduling my appt, getting directions from

         the scheduling line that day lol, the prompt & professional front desk and especially with
        my tech (Gia) and the Dr working with her. I was very impressed with the time they took to
        conduct my ultrasound and the turn around time in which results were sent to my dr. I have

        this scan regularly and this was by far my best experience. When you're faced with medical
           challenges & chronic health issues, it's a blessing to have the process go as smoothly &
        efficiently as it did. I felt that I was cared for as a person and this is the type of care I'd want
                                            for my family, too. Great job!! "

             "Hello !! My Imaging Tech was George. I always get him for post OP imaging. What

         beautiful soul he has as he is so careful on how I move around for various films and really
          cares for me not just as a patient, but as a human being. He is so very kind, quick witted,
         and love to see him laugh ! He truly loves John's Hopkins and his his fellow team and all of

         us who visit him every day. This man has been touched by God as he an Angel walking on
          this earth. We always have the greatest conversations and cannot wait to see him again.
                            Whoever found this young man should be congratulated.”
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