Page 15 - October Impression
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such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, are important Men are not immune.
risk factors. However, a family history free Though men do not develop milk-
of breast cancer does not mean you are risk producing breasts, they are still born with
free. Lillie Shockney, a breast cancer breast cells and tissue and thus can still
survivor and administrative director of the develop cancer. While only one in one
Johns Hopkins Breast Center states, “Only thousand men, compared to one in eight
12% of people diagnosed with breast cancer women, will ever be diagnosed with breast
have any family history of breast cancer.” cancer, the mortality rate is higher than
Breast exams aid early detection that of women. This is primarily due to a
All women should perform a self-breast lack of awareness among men. As a result,
exam monthly, at the end of their men are less likely to assume that a lump is
menstrual period when breasts are least breast cancer, which can cause a delay in
tender. Self-breast exams help women seeking treatment.
become more aware of how their breasts Healthy habits help
normally look and feel. Any change, no Although you cannot prevent cancer, you
matter how trivial it seems, deserves can reduce your risk by being proactive
further evaluation by a healthcare about your health. Regular physical activity
professional. Beginning at age 40, women reduces breast cancer risk, especially after
of average risk need an annual menopause. Exactly how physical activity
mammogram. Mammograms should might reduce breast cancer risk is not clear,
continue annually, as long as a woman has but it may be because of its effects on body
at least five years of life expectancy. weight, inflammation, hormones, and
Regular mammography use has been energy balance.
linked to a decrease in breast cancer deaths
and increased number of cases of the highly It’s a year round issue
treatable breast cancers. Breast cancer is not limited to the
Look for “Red” flags boundaries of a calendar. While it is good
to dedicate a month to help raise
Most commonly, breast cancer is awareness, we must remember that breast
asymptomatic, and often appears on a cancer is a year-round public health issue.
mammogram before a lump can be felt. Look Everyone needs to be aware that early
for skin changes such as redness, swelling, detection is critical in the treatment of
thickening of the skin, severely enlarged pores breast cancer. In the end it is this
on the breast, and irritation around the nipple. awareness that will save lives.
The rash like appearance of inflammatory
breast cancer may lead some providers to
misdiagnose it as dermatitis or mastitis.