Page 14 - October Impression
P. 14


        With October being Breast Cancer                         All of these fantastic efforts serve the
        Awareness Month, we have already begun                   singular purpose to help urge people to
        to see pink awareness efforts everywhere.                increase their awareness of the signs and

        Pink products now line the shelves at                    symptoms of this disease. The hope being
        stores, awareness and fundraising ads                    that increased knowledge concerning
        display celebrities wearing pink ribbons,                breast health will lead to early detection.
        while athletes and many first responders                 According to the National Breast Cancer

        across the nation have begun to adorn their              Foundation, when breast cancer is detected
        uniforms with pink. In Albuquerque New                   early, and is in the localized stage, the
        Mexico, the Police Department recently                   5-year relative survival rate is 100%.

        unveiled a hot pink patrol vehicle to help               The keys to early detection include
        raise breast cancer awareness.                           knowing the facts about breast cancer and

                                                                 exercising that knowledge by being
                                                                 proactive about your breast health. The

                                                                 following are some of the key facts that
                                                                 everyone should know about breast cancer.

                                                                 Family history isn’t everything

                                                                 Family history of breast cancer, especially
                                                                 breast cancer that is related to inherited
                                                                 changes or mutations to certain genes,
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