Page 9 - October Impression
P. 9

Giving Back to the Community

       Last Spring, the Radiology Community Service              gathering outside the center’s doors. While Rob

       Council began an initiative to serve the                  washed dishes and Ben emptied trash bins,
       community by helping the Our Daily Bread                  Stephanie was able to mingle with the guests as
       Employment Center. The response was so great              she served them tea.

       that the council extended the initiative and now          Throughout the day, all of the volunteers were
       seeks to provide opportunities throughout the             shown a great deal of appreciation by the guest
       year for people to volunteer.                             and staff of the center. Overall, the experience
       In September, Wanda, Kelli, Rob, Stephanie, and           was an amazing and fulfilling way to give back to
       Ben met up with colleagues from across the                the community.
       enterprise to represent Johns Hopkins Radiology           If you would like to volunteer, you can contact the
       and give back to the community.  After collecting         center’s Volunteer line at 667-600-3438 or email
       their hairnets and aprons, everyone quickly went          them at
       to work to get ready to serve lunch to the crowd

     Thank You!

       Thank you to all of the Imaging and Radiology staff throughout the enterprise who were able to

       contribute to this summer's school drive! We were able to collect over 300 notebooks and much, much
       more for our local schools, teachers, and students. We even received a microscope!
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