Page 8 - October Impression
P. 8


     The Johns Hopkins National Proton Center Opens
        On October 1 , Johns Hopkins Medicine opened             The Johns Hopkins National Proton Center is one
        The Johns Hopkins National Proton Center at             of the few in the world — and the only one in the
        Sibley Memorial Hospital.  The new 80,000-              Washington, D.C., region — with a dedicated
        square-foot facility houses state-of-the-art            pediatric team that specializes in caring for young
        proton therapy equipment, as well as next-              oncology patients. It delivers care in
        generation imaging technologies such as dual            collaboration with Children’s National Hospital
        energy CT-guided treatment that reduces the             and the Johns Hopkins pediatric oncology
        range of error, and the latest innovation in            department.
        biomatrix MRI designed to target moving
        tumors in places like the lung and liver.               While this type of treatment has been around for
                                                                decades, there are only about 30 hospitals
        Proton Therapy is a form of targeted radiation          nationwide that offer proton therapy. The Johns
        treatment that very precisely zeros in on tumors,       Hopkins National Proton Center is customized
        increasing the damage to cancer cells while             with the organizations own inventions to create
        minimizing radiation exposure and damage to             the most advanced pencil beam for increased
        healthy tissue and organs.  Because of its              precision to address the individual needs of the
        precision, proton therapy makes it possible to          patient.
        treat cancers near delicate organs, such as the
        spinal cord and heart and offers a new treatment        Combining the precision of proton therapy with
        approach for recurrent cancers. This is                 the history of science and research discoveries of
        particularly important in the treatment of              Johns Hopkins Medicine is another step toward

        children, who often suffer lasting side effects         ultimately curing this complicated disease.
        from toxic cancer treatments.
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