P. 9
New Dunkin’ in Dundalk Recycling Is Changing at JHBMC
A grand opening and grand time was had by Over the next few months, you will notice a
all at the Saturday ribbon cutting of the new change in Johns Hopkins Bayview’s recycling
Dunkin’ Donuts located at 4040 North Point program. This is a result of new requirements
Boulevard. for a contaminant-free recycling stream,
which is impacting organizations across the
The first 100 guests to arrive at the grand country. Currently, the Medical Center’s
opening received free coffee for a year. Donna recycling stream does not meet the new
Grover was the fifth person to receive free requirements. Once recyclable materials are
coffee for a year, after standing in line since contaminated, (even slightly) with food,
6:45 a.m. liquids, foam cups, plastic bags, etc., they
cannot be sent to a recycling facility and are
Not only were they giving out free coffee for a then deemed as “trash.” Contaminated loads
year, the Dunkin’ Franchisee group for the are subject to additional handling and
Dundalk store, presented a check, donating 10 processing fees, which drives up the cost of
percent of the day’s proceeds to benefit the recycling.
North Point Police Department Youth Sports
Activities. What you need to know:
The new 3,000 square-foot location, displays • Until we can implement a more
donuts in a bakery style, has a two-lane drive- effective program, we will no longer
thru — one for on-the-go orders made via app recycle plastic, aluminum or glass
ahead of time, and the other for regular containers. All green-bagged recycling
orders. bins across the Medical Center will be
The new Dunkin’ has a cold beverage tap • We will continue to recycle cardboard
system, greater Grab & Go snack and beverage and paper that is collected in Shred-It
selection has comfortable seating, free Wi-Fi consoles and blue bins.
and provides a welcoming environment for
guests to enjoy. Don’t worry! We are pursuing other
opportunities to ensure that Johns Hopkins
The new restaurant will be open from 5 a.m. Bayview remains a “green” and sustainable
to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 6 organization.
a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday.