Page 38 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 38

BSc Hons  in Engineering in Civil Engineering

                 Civil Engineering; a “People serving   This is a four year full-time   Civil Engineer who can take up any
                 profession” is regarded as one of the   degree program offered by Sri   challenge. Eminent, highly qualified
                 oldest professions in the world. The   Lanka Technological Campus. The   permanent and visiting facilities with
                 2500 year old remains of the great   curriculum is prepared according   industry experience and state of the
                 civilizations of ancient ruined cities,   to the “Outcome Based Education   art lab facilities will help students
                 Sky-high Stupas, Gigantic water   (OBE)” principles considering the IESL   gather all relevant knowledge
                 tanks, complex irrigation systems,   guidelines and many reputed local   our students are equipped with
                 are some of the living examples   and international civil engineering   the knowledge on latest design
                 of the work of our great Civil   curriculam with subjects covering the   and analytical software tools.
                 Engineering Ancestors. Following the   whole spectrum of Civil Engineering,
                 tradition, even today, Civil Engineers   including Structural, Geotechnical,   Eligibility Criteria
                 contribute their knowledge and   Hydraulics, Environmental and   The entry requirement is a minimum
                 expertise in creating better living   Transportation Engineering   of 3 ordinary passes (S) in approved
                 environments for people, which   subjects. In addition, the subjects   subjects in the Physical Science
                 include the whole infrastructure   are carefully aligned and spread   stream at GCE A/L Examinations
                 setup we use; built environments,   over the 8 academic semesters,   or equiralant in one and the same
                 roads, expressways, railways, air-  in a way that even a student with   sitting and a minimum mark of 30%
                 ports, ports and harbors, bridges,   basic entry requirements can be   for the Common General Paper.
           38    dams, canals, irrigation systems, etc.  moulded into an “industry-ready”
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