Page 43 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 43

BSc Hons in Bio Systems Engineering

            The degree program leading to   processing and bioprocess   and efficiencies from diverse
            “Bachelor of Science Honours in   technology, environmental   specialties and the application
            Biosystems- BSc Hons (Biosystems)”   technology, and sustainable   such knowledge for the successful
            is a four year fulltime degree   management of agricultural   and sustainable management
            program offered by Sri Lanka   technologies. It integrates many   of various biological systems.
            Technological Campus.      of the disciplines and professional
                                       areas of engineering, science,   ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
            This degree program aims to   policy and management which will
            provide students with an in-depth   enable the students completing   The entry requirement is a
            understanding of the complex   the degree program to have   minimum of three (3) ordinary
            physical, biological and social systems   a better understanding of the   passes (S)  for GCE A/L Examination
            and their interactions involved   various biological systems, issues   conducted by the Department of
            in the Biosystems and its related   and research needs for solving   Examinations, Sri Lanka or equivalent
            areas such as food production,                        foreign examination (London or
                                       problems and improving the outputs   Cambridge) in Biology scheme.

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