Page 44 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 44

Our graduates with their   significant potential for advancement   As every industry – from medicine
                 backgrounds technologhy and   in the high-skill, high-wage,   to agriculture, from education
                 managment will fill a considerable   and high-demand careers.  to banking – is being impacted
                 vaccum in the industry unique   As one of the pioneering technology   by technology, the technologists
                 skill set and the knowledge   schools the country has on offer,   community will only grow in
                 acquird as undergraduates The   SLTC endeavours to ensure that   numbers and importance.
                 ability of Technology graduates   its students receive a novel   School of Technology prepares you
                 to contribute on the job from day   learning experience within the   for a career in applied engineering
                 one increases their value while   School of technology with the   and offers following B.Tech
                 providing them professionally   available resources and facilities.  Hons. degree programmes.
                 rewarding opportunities with


                    •  BTech Hons in Electronics Technology
                    •  BTech Hons in Electronics (Process Automation and Control)
                    •  BTech Hons in Agri Technology
                    •  BTech Hons in Environmental Technology

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