Page 49 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
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BBM Hons in Accounting and Finance

            Bachelor of Business Management   bodies, enabling them to pursue   Career Opportunities
            (BBM) in Accounting and Finance   professional careers in Accounting
            degree programme will enhance your   and Finance, whilst holding a   This degree will prepare you for a
            knowledge on how organizations   sound academic qualification.  career in professional accountancy,
            finance their activities and how they                 investment banking, investment
            keep track of what happens to their   In addition to an in-depth theoretical   analysis and management,
            money. Our curriculum has been   and a practical understanding of   management consultancy and
            designed to meet the objectives of   issues in Accounting and Finance,   financial management, this will
            students who are willing to seek a   students will also develop important   also create a foundation for
            career in the functional discipline of   skills in the areas of information   advanced academic studies in
            Accounting and Finance. It aims at   technology, and communication,   these professional disciplines. This
            creating knowledgeable and skilled   whilst the importance of maintaining   degree, will make the student to
            graduates with positive attitudes   high ethical and professional   question and analyse information,
            for employment in Accounting and   standards will be emphasized.  develop arguments, and boost
            Finance-based positions across   To graduate with BBM in Accounting   your analytical and communication
            multiple sectors. BBM Accounting   and Finance, you need to obtain   skills – all of which are valued in
            and Finance Degree holders will be   a minimum of 30 credits of   the global employment market.
            granted exemptions by local and   third-year options along with 30
            international professional accounting   credits of final-year options .

            BBM Hons in Human Resource Management

            Bachelor of Business Management   diverse positions in the industry and   information systems, recruitment
            (BBM) in Human Resource    pursue numerous career options   and training. Students will be
            Management (HRM) programme   as a HR professionals. The course   encouraged to apply for internships
            aims to create highly employable   aims to prepare students to meet,   and we will endeavor to facilitate
            HRM graduates who will possess   locally and globally recognized   them. This course will provide
            in-depth knowledge of the subject   standards of professional excellence   you with hands-on experience,
            matter and will be equipped   with the necessary knowledge and   enabling you to demonstrate
            with a comprehensive mix of   skills. The HRM course combines   relevant work experience, and
            skills, competencies, and best   theory with practical application to   make you a competitive job
            practices in the field of HRM.  be relevant, and will be linked to   seeker in the HR profession.
                                       the everyday work environment.
            Career Opportunities       Graduates will be ready to work
            This specialized HRM program   in human resource management,
            will enable graduates to apply for   employee or industrial relations,            49    PROGRAMMES  SCHOOLS AND
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