Page 50 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 50

BBM Hons in Marketing

                 Bachelor of Business Management   creativity and up-to-date thinking.   area of Marketing, in order to
                 (BBM) in Marketing will cater to   The marketing degree will instill   graduate with a BBM in Marketing.
                 those aspire to become professional   necessary skills and competencies
                 global marketers and who are   in our students that will enable   Career Opportunities
                 interested in strategic marketing   them to work in any industry.  By the time you graduate, you will
                 management, or in other aspects of                    not only understand the theoretical
                 marketing such as market research,   An academic team with local and   aspects of effective marketing,
                 product development, brand   foreign exposure will deliver broader   but will also possess a range of
                 management, integrated marketing   knowledge in marketing. The people   practical professional skills. Upon
                 communications and retailing.  attached to the department will   completion of our degree program,
                                            share their experiences with students
                 Marketing is considered as the   by delivering theoretical knowledge   you will be provided with work
                 heart and soul of every commercial   and engaging in field projects and   opportunities as marketers in a
                 activity. Due to its vast importance   sharing real-life case studies.  multitude of related fields including
                 within the business world, the basic                  retailing, advertising, branding,
                 objective of our degree program   You are required to obtain a   consulting, marketing research,
                 is to develop superior marketing   minimum of 60 credits (half of your   and international marketing.
                 professionals, instilled with   studies) within the core subject

                 BBM Hons in Operations Management

                 Bachelor of Business Management   acquire sound overall knowledge   currently available in Sri Lanka.
                 (BBM) in Operations Management   of Operations Management,
                 aims to empower business graduates   including Operations Systems Design   Career Opportunities
                 to develop the ability to understand   and Management, Production   Students who pursue this study
                 and analyze specific operational   Planning and Controlling, Service   pathway will secure employment
                 problems and to develop practical,   Management, Total Quality   opportunities in various managerial
                 effective and implementable   Management, Logistics and   positions related to Manufacturing,
                 solutions. This requires a thorough   Supply Chain Management,   Services, Quality, Logistics, Supply
                 understanding of both the   Technology Management,    Chain, and Inventory Management.
                 operations management principles   and Project Management.  During the final year of their
                 and techniques, and the ability to   SLTC’s BBM in Operations   studies, students will have the
                 apply this knowledge in practice.                     opportunity to train themselves in
                                            Management is the only four-
                 Students who select the Operations   year special degree in the field   the industry as well as to engage
           50    Management specialization will    of Operations Management   in related research activities.
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