Page 51 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 51
BBM Hons in Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management focuses the students with an industry taught to improve efficiencies in
on efficiently managing systems of relevant, current curriculum, supply chain operations, cost control,
people, resources, and information exposing them to critical, value- eliminating supply chain failures,
that deal with the movement of a adding components to enhance and to moderate supply chain risks.
product or service from supplier to their global employability. The
customer. It encompasses topics objectives are to provide students Career Opportunities
from manufacturing operations, with a comprehensive background With the BBM Supply Chain
purchasing, transportation, and in each area of activity and also to Management degree the standad
physical distribution into an allow students to focus on their will be able to secure work
integrated program. The students areas of interest. Through the opportunities in leading Supply
will learn how to plan and manage program student will develop project Chain organizations. Taught by
the flow of goods and resources management and negotiation industry professionals, this degree
in a global marketplace. skills and will learn how to procure program will instill practical
products and manage their handling,
Bachelor of Business Management storage, and distribution effectively. skills and experience, which will
in (BBM) Supply Chain Management help application in a range of
program offered by SLTC, presents Our students at every level will be industries, including manufacturing,
transport, and warehousing.
BBM in Tourism and Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Business Management within the fourth year, and students practical exposure and theoretical
(BBM) in Tourism and Hospitality are required to undergo an eight- teaching concepts that will
Management consists of eight credited Industrial Training during develop a work-ready graduate
semesters. In the first two semesters, the second semester of the final year. SLTC will endeavour to provide
students are given fundamental Within the program you will learn unique opportunities to its graduates
knowledge on Management, and about issues associated with the through the strong industry links
Tourism and Hospitality Industry. travel and tourism industry, such as is possesses. These will include
From the second year onwards, it visitor attractions, tour operators, guest lectures from leading
aims to develop industry related travel agencies, transportation for industry practitioners, industry
skills, competencies and the right tourism, and government tourism mentoring programmes, and work
attitudes, which will be essential initiatives, etc. The students will be placements. Strong, industry related
for career progression within the encouraged to develop a strategic management capabilities and skills
industry. In order to give a practical approach to this ever-evolving that will be instilled in the students,
exposure to the tourism and business, economic and social they will be able to obtain gainful
hospitality business scenario, the demands within the industry. We employment within the industry,
curriculum will integrate internships PROGRAMMES SCHOOLS AND
will utilize a unique combination of locally as well as internationally. 51