Page 48 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 48
When you pursue any of the Overview of Business areas in Business Management
management pathways offered at Management Programmes with a view of giving the students
the SLTC Business School, you will be Proper management and an opportunity to make better-
provided with access to a number administration are integral informed decision of their choice
of opportunities to empower your components of any successful of specialization moving in to the
career development and help business, irrespective of its scale last 2-years of the degree program
you graduate, ‘work-ready’. Our and size. Every organization
extensive network of local and reqiures people with management The students are given the
international partnerships will help knowledge and relevant skills opportunity to follow a 4 Year,
you with an unparalleled industry- to manage, grow and improve 120+ credit Bachelor of Business
relevant learning opportunity. the day-to-day operations of Management (BBM) Honours
Programme in 6 key management
The Business School has a range of organizations and workforces. disciplines. As part of this course,
industry-standard facilities, including All our programmes focus on job you will develop strong business
a specialized IT & business library, readiness, to develop the practical knowledge, while also building
contemporary study rooms and skills and competence one you needs your expertise from day-one, in
shared spaces. Further, our Business to operate effectively and efficiently, one or more business disciplines
School maintains excellent links with in ones business environments.
the businesses community, that They, also gives our students the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
help us ensure all our management opportunity to gain a business The entry requirement is a minimum
programmes are being designed qualification from one of the leading of 3 ordinary passes (S) in approved
to suit the current needs of Business School in Sri Lanka. subjects in in Commerce, Arts,
employers in order to provide Technology, Physical Science,
exciting placement opportunities All students enrolled in the business Biological Science, ICT, or Agriculture
for our undergraduate students. school are required to follow a stream at GCE A/L Examinations
common curriculum in first 2 years.
The common program is intended to or equiralant in one and the same
provide a thorough understanding sitting and a minimum mark of 30%
of basic concepts in all functional for the Common General Paper.
• BBM Hons in Accounting and Finance
• BBM Hons in Human Resource Management
• BBM Hons in Marketing
• BBM Hons in Tourism and Hospitality Management
• BBM Hons in Supply Chain Management
• BBM Hons in Operations Management