Page 41 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 41

BSc Hons in Engineering in

            Mechatronics Engineering

            The degree program leading to   more cost effective and dependable   engineers to project managers
            “Bachelor of Science Honours   systems. As a result, Mechatronics   at the forefront of technological
            in Engineering in Mechatronics   engineering is at the for front of   advancements, creating smarter
            Engineering- BSc Hons (Eng.)   technological advancements creating   products, devices and processes,
            (Mechatronics Eng.)” is a four year   smarter products, devices and   across a variety of sectors,
            fulltime degree program offered by   processes across a variety of sectors.   such as robotics, automobiles,
            Sri Lanka Technological Campus.  The Mechatronics Degree program   manufacturing, aerospace, oil
                                       at SLTC focuses on providing a sound   gas and chemical industries.
            Mechatronics is a relatively   fundamental understanding of the
            new branch of engineering   technical skills and principals of   ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
            that combines the principals of   mechatronics engineering and their
            Mechanical Engineering, Electronic   application in complex open ended   The entry requirement is a minimum
            Engineering, Control Engineering   engineering tasks and problems.  of 3 ordinary passes (S) at GCE
            , Systems Design engineering                          A/L Examination conducted by
            and computer engineering. The   Mechatronics Engineering degree   the Department of Examinations,
            combination of these engineering   program prepares students for   Sri Lanka or equivalent foreign
            principals  generate simpler and   positions ranging from research   examination (London or Cambridge)
                                                                  in Mathematics scheme.

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