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Georgia Propane Marketer

                                                                           What’s Inside

                                                                           FROM OUR PRESIDENT                     4

       President .......................................................Mark Holloway  MARK YOUR CALENDARS        5
       President Elect ...............................................Larry Stocks  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE   7
       Vice President ...............................................  Tyler Misel
       Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair ............. Lynda Humm          NPGA SE MARKETER REGISTRATION          9
       Secretary ....................................................... Suzanne Hatcher  GA PROPANE NEWS       10
       Immediate Past President ............................. Pete Cates
                                                                           NPGF SCHOLARSHP FOUNDATION           14

                             DIRECTORS                                     GPGA Regulatory Committee Report  16

       District 1 Director .......................................... Larry Stocks  NPGA NEWS                   18
       District 2 Director .......................................... Jim Strauss
       District 3 Director .......................................... Hank Stacy  LEGAL UPDATE                  21
       NPGA State Director ...................................  Dan Richardson
       Director at Large ............................................ Vacant

       Convention Chairman .................................... Larry Stocks               NOTICE
       Marketing Chairman............................Gordon Cunningham   As the official publication of the Georgia Propane Gas
                                                                          Association, the Georgia Propane Marketer carries
       Govermental Affairs Chairman ..................Dan Richardson     authentic notices pertaining to the activities of the of
       Education & Safety Chairman ........................ John Fowler  the Association. In other respects, the statements of
       Membership Chairman .................................. Steve Smith  fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors
       Alternative Fuels Chairman ........................... Billl Moore  alone, and do not imply an opinion on the part of the
                                                                          Board of Directors, the Officers or the Association
       Regulatory Chairman ..................................... Gerry Misel      membership or Management.
       Sunbelt Chairman .......................................... Sam Gentry      ADVERTISING CIRCULATION:

                                                                            Rates based on controlled circulation to GPGA
                     ADVERTISERS INDEX                                              ADVERTISING PROVISOS:
                                                                           A contract or agreement may be discontinued at
           Bagwell Insurance................................................. 2  any time by giving 60 days notice in writing. All copy
                                                                          subject to the approval of the publisher. Publisher
           CHS ..................................................................... 20  reserves the right to reject any objectionable copy or
           Crestwood .......................................................... 13  to terminate any advertising contract or agreement at
           CUI ....................................................................... 6   any time.
             Gardner Marsh .................................................... 8  SUBSCRIPTION, BILLING & ADVERTISING
           MTankCo.............................................................. 6      INFORMATION
           NPGA PLAN App ................................................. 23  Georgia Propane Gas Association, Inc.
           Rutherford Equipment .......................................16     1205 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 136-453
           Tarantin .............................................................. 14  Marietta, Georgia 30068-4375
           Tri-State Distributors ..........................................16  (678) 719-8631  Fax: (770) 604-1316

          GPGA PROPANE MARKETER      February 2020                                                           PAGE 3
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