Page 7 - Feb2020 Newsletter_REVISED_2_Neat
P. 7
I hope everyone had a fabulous revolved around the sale of CETP The NPGA Winter Board Meeting
holiday season between Thanksgiv- Certification to PERC and the is just around the corner. A new
ing and Christmas. Our Christmas modularization of CETP to make meeting format has been adopted
Luncheon was great. We had Sen- the training more task focused and I look forward to productive
ator John Wilkinson, AG Commis- and trimming down the classroom sessions. All marketer members
sioner Gary Black, and Representa- time. One of the biggest obstacles are welcome to attend these
tive Robert Dickey as our guests. marketers are experiencing is the meetings regardless of whether
inability to get to your employee’s they are on the board or not. It is
We participated in our last Sunbelt training records which were pre- an excellent opportunity to obtain
AG Expo in October. The Executive viously housed by ITS. During the information and express concerns.
Committee has voted to pursue transition, it was discovered that
sale of our exhibit at Spence Field. many records were disconnected. A new directory will be coming
The annual event is well attended It is taking some time to resolve soon. Our graphic arts person
by the public, but it has become this issue. passed away unexpectedly late
harder and harder to staff the last year so we have been a bit
show for the 3-day event. Over the At the board meeting in April there behind. Bear with us. There have
course of my 20 +years working will be extensive discussion about been a lot of changes in the indus-
the show, our exhibit evolved and the changes coming with CETP and try and they continue. Drake Gas
grew to be one of the most well potential changes to our training in Royston has sold to Suburban
visited at the show. Thanks to ev- methods as a state association. Propane so unfortunately our dues
eryone over the years who helped Whether it be classroom training, revenue will be impacted as a
us man and maintain the building. blended learning or online training result of Suburban’s non-member
we will explore all possibilities. status at NPGA.
The Annual Leadership Summit for Additionally, the State Fire Mar-
State Executives was held in No- shal’s office has hit a snag with The NPGA SE Expo is back in Nash-
vember in Washington, DC. We their training portal. The designer ville this year. SE State Marketers
were officially introduced to the of the portal has left the State Fire be sure to register with the special
new NPGA President Steve Kamins- Marshal’s office. A letter has been registration form which allows you
ki who took over for Rick Roldan. issued that suspends the records to register 3 employees for the
This event is sponsored by NPGA portion of reporting only. All em- price of 1. Hotel rooms are going
and PERC to provide a forum for ployees must be trained in accor- quickly so if you haven’t booked
state executives to benchmark and dance with NFPA 58 requirements. your room yet, be sure to do so
be brought up to date on activities right away.
at NPGA and PERC. Among Speak- Be sure to check out the Green
ers were Bob Harris, Tucker Perkins Messages for Propane in this edi-
and Steve Kaminski. Topics ranged tion of the magazine We can make
from Association Management for these available to any marketer
the 21st Century to Decarboniza- which you can personalize for your
tion to Propane’s role in protecting company. NPGA and PERC have
the environment. been working on a balanced mes-
sage to counteract the attack on
The Annual Trainer’s Conference propane and other fuels. Thank
was held in conjunction with a you to the Propane Gas Associa-
regional SE/South Central PERC tion of New England for sharing
meeting in Memphis. As you might these documents.
imagine, much of the discussion