Page 4 - Feb2020 Newsletter_REVISED_2_Neat
P. 4


         Mark Holloway

         Propane dealers, as your            and running.  I know I am excited   Unfortunately, personnel changes
         2019/2020 President, I wish         about seeing this program finally   (the primary IT technician) has
         I could bring us all the cold       be in place.  I really think it will   interrupted the progress.  It was
         weather we all so desperately       benefit our industry in the State of  Jason’s intention to launch the
         need.  Unfortunately, I don’t have  Georgia.                            LMS January 1.  We will have to
         that power.                                                             wait a little longer to access that
                                             Some of you may not be aware,       program.  Until then, all inspectors
         I challenge each of you to take     but we now have a new learning      have been instructed not to
         one day from golfing, hunting,      management system (LMS) at          require identification cards or any
         or fishing, and take that effort to   PERC.  This new program will      copies of training documents.
         create a new customer that is not   allow you to train your employees   Stay tuned as we work through
         heat related.  Not a competitor’s   on the portal without having to     this hurdle.
         customer, but a new gas burning     leave the office.  PERC continues
         customer with a water heater,       to work on modularizing all of      We now have new leadership
         stove, clothes dryer, or meet with   the CETP components.  This         on the National level of NPGA.
         your local school board about       will make task specific training    After many great years of Rick
         propane about propane powered       easier for everyone.  We will still   Roland at the helm, Rick retired,
         school buses.                       be offering the State Education     and our new president is Steve
                                             classes in the summer.  It is very   Kaminski.  Steve’s background is
         I would really like to see you take   important for you as members to   in association management.  We
         (2) days from your extra-curricular  support these classes.  If we keep   expect he will bring new ideas to
         activities and come to a GPGA       having poor attendance, we may      keep our industry relevant in the
         meeting this year.  We have the     have to discontinue them.  These    energy industry. Be sure to check
         Spring Board in Athens on April     networking safety classes many      NPGA Reports in your email for a
         16-17 and the summer convention  times offer more to the attendees      regular article from Steve.
         in St. Simon’s on August 9-12..     than a computer class.  Once
         We need our members support         the Propane Commission has          Look forward to seeing you at our
         to guide this association into the   begun collecting assessments and   next meeting in Athens.
         future. I am sure you are aware     funds have been accumulated,
         that there are some elected         the Commission will consider        Sincerely,
         officials that would like to see all   other options for marketers that
         fossil fuels go away.  We must ban   may include company specific or    Mark Holloway
         together to let our elected officials  regional training options.       President
         know this is not smart policy.
                                             Jason Pritchett of the State Fire
         As you know, we passed the State    Marshal’s Office has worked
         PERF.  We are very close to having   very hard over the last six to
         the Propane Commission in place     eight months to launch a similar
         in order to get this program up     LMS for their record keeping.

          PAGE 4                                                              GPGA PROPANE MARKETER      February 2020
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