P. 14


               The year 2017 was an interesting period for the Bank.   MACROECONOMIC REVIEW
               Against the backdrop of an improving macro-economic
               environment in the second half of the year, the Group de-  For global financial markets and the global economy, 2017
               livered strong results which showed its ability to generate   was a year of progress. Though characterized by natural di-
               sustainable  earnings,  backed  by  a  commitment  to  effec-  sasters and geo-political tensions, the year ended on a high
               tive execution of strategy and clear management action. It   note, as global GDP growth continued to accelerate over
               was also a year when we took action to refocus our strategy   much of the world in a broad cyclical upswing.
               and to reposition the Group for the future. The progress we
               achieved was made possible by hard work and relentless   Global stock markets strengthened in 2017, fuelled by
               commitment to deliver superior service to our customers.  strong underlying growth and a recovery in investment from
                                                              increased  capital  spending  which  boosted  internation-
               With a solid foundation already in place, 2017 was dedicated   al trade. The global oil price recovered in 2017, benefiting
               to strengthening our management capabilities, improving   from increasing demand around the world. Larger emerg-
               our risk management framework, re-engineering our pro-  ing market economies such as Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria and
               cesses and technology and diversifying our businesses for   Russia exited recession fuelled by continued monetary pol-
               sustainable revenue generation.                icy accommodation and fiscal stimulus.

                                                              On the domestic front, the Nigerian economy consolidat-
                                                              ed the exit from recession in 2017 recording 1.9% growth
                                                              in the fourth quarter. However, as would be expected, the
                                                              recessionary pressures did create some difficulty in some
                                                              sectors, leading to elevated NPLs.  External reserves
                                                              climbed to a 3-year high; inflation slowed for the tenth con-
                                                              secutive month while oil prices advanced to levels not seen
                                                              since mid-2015. The year recorded a sustained bull run in
                                                              the  equities  market  as  we  saw  the  largest  capital  inflow

                                                                             The progress we
                                                                             achieved was made
                                                                             possible by hard work and
                                                                             relentless commitment
                                                                             to deliver superior service
                                                                             to our customers

               MOSUN BELO-OLUSOGA, FCA

           14 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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