P. 304


                                                                Specific  Collective      Total
                December 2016                       Gross    impairment  impairment impairment     Carrying
                In thousands of Naira
                                                   amount      allowance  allowance   allowance     amount
               Loans to individuals
               Retail Exposures
               Auto Loan (note 23c)                2,511,013           -      (42,628)   (42,628)   2,468,384
               Credit Card                         3,475,443      (4,367)    (58,216)   (62,583)   3,412,860
               Finance Lease (note 23c)              60,912            -      (1,053)    (1,053)     59,859
               Mortgage Loan                      24,375,564           -      (79,867)   (79,867)   24,295,697
               Overdraft                           5,639,049    (264,216)   (538,680)   (802,896)   4,836,153
               Personal Loan                      18,754,870    (286,847)   (395,950)   (682,798)   18,072,072
               Term Loan                           6,964,075           -      (46,451)   (46,451)   6,917,624
               Time Loan                            721,711            -      (11,667)   (11,667)   710,044
               Loans to corporate entities and other organizations
               Non-Retail Exposures
               Auto Loan (note 23c)                2,003,352           -      (20,988)   (20,988)   1,982,363
               Credit Card                          576,553            -      (10,178)   (10,178)   566,375
               Finance Lease (note 23c)            3,946,347           -      (18,308)   (18,308)   3,928,039
               Mortgage Loan                       5,929,037           -      (4,176)    (4,176)   5,924,861
               Overdraft                         181,242,213    (8,677,151)   (2,111,511)  (10,788,662)   170,453,553
               Term Loan                       1,102,912,471    (5,523,054)  (15,587,793)  (21,110,847)  1,081,801,625
               Time Loan                         486,052,854        (92)   (2,023,099)   (2,023,191)   484,029,664

                                               1,845,165,465    (14,755,727)  (20,950,566)  (35,706,293)  1,809,459,172

               Impairment on loans and advances to customers

                                                    Specific allowances               Collective allowances
                In thousands of Naira        December  2017  December  2016   December  2017  December 2016
               Balance beginning of year          14,755,727      10,482,678     20,950,565       18,208,130
               Impairment loss for the year:
               - Charge for the year              32,766,818      17,874,149      1,132,010        2,742,435
               Write-offs                        (5,737,029)     (13,601,100)         (273)               -
               Balance end of year                41,785,516      14,755,727     22,082,302       20,950,565

                23    Loans and advances to customers
               b      Bank
                                                                Specific  Collective      Total
                December 2017                       Gross    impairment  impairment impairment     Carrying
                In thousands of Naira
                                                   amount     allowance   allowance   allowance    amount
               Loans to individuals
               Retail Exposures
               Auto Loan (note 23c)                1,671,616           -      (28,513)   (28,513)   1,643,103
               Credit Card                         2,905,420      (4,573)    (49,001)   (53,574)   2,851,846
               Finance Lease (note 23c)              63,923            -      (1,560)    (1,560)     62,363
               Mortgage Loan                       4,230,374           -      (67,507)   (67,507)   4,162,867
               Overdraft                           2,367,502    (138,090)   (181,960)   (320,050)   2,047,453
               Personal Loan                      15,085,225    (219,417)   (252,613)   (472,030)   14,613,195
               Term Loan                           3,125,406     (40,237)    (51,323)   (91,560)   3,033,846
               Time Loan                            804,672            -      (13,266)   (13,266)   791,406

          304 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309