P. 299

IT and e-business expenses                  8,277,398      7,626,411   7,305,290    6,750,086
               Outsourcing costs                           6,038,146      4,211,075   4,812,368    3,771,607
               Advertisements and marketing expenses       2,424,516      1,639,273   2,207,928    1,342,458
               Recruitment and training                    5,462,666      2,618,909   4,106,144    2,447,297
               Events, charities and sponsorship           1,142,566      1,007,974     984,488     869,154
               Periodicals and subscriptions               3,518,297      3,104,455   3,201,277    2,691,644
               Security expenses                           2,148,653      1,671,083   1,846,990    1,548,319
               Cash processing and management cost         1,532,751      1,576,253   1,330,451    1,205,990
               Stationeries, postage and printing            694,447       475,289      303,389     297,801
               Office provisions and entertainment            152,923       49,496      152,924      49,496
               Net litigations claims (see note 34(i)
                                                         117,119,230    94,413,516   103,993,256   84,588,227

                (a)    This represents the Group’s contribution to AMCON’s sinking fund for the year ended 31 December 2017. All
                       deposit money banks in Nigeria are required to contribute 0.5% of total assets as at the preceding year end to
                       AMCON’s sinking fund in line with existing guidelines. It is non-refundable and does not represent any ownership
                       interest nor does it confer any rights or obligations (save to pay the levy) on the contributor.

                16    Income tax expense

                                                              Group        Group          Bank        Bank
               In thousands of Naira                       December     December     December    December
                                                               2017          2016         2017        2016
               Current tax expense
               Corporate income tax                         9,124,532    6,096,035     5,640,954    3,571,312
               IT tax                                        670,435       805,796      670,435     805,796
               Education tax                                1,081,841           -      1,081,841          -
               Capital gains tax                              11,145         3,808       11,145       3,808
               Prior year’s under provision                 1,841,940           -      1,841,940          -
                                                           12,729,883    6,905,639     9,246,315    4,380,916
               Deferred tax expense
               Origination of temporary differences         5,351,746    11,994,470    4,558,364    12,172,525
               Income tax expense                          18,081,628    18,900,109    13,804,679    16,553,441
               Items included in OCI
               Income tax expense                            188,399            -       188,399           -
                                                           18,270,027    18,900,109    13,993,078    16,553,441

               The movement in the current income tax liability is as follows:

                                                              Group        Group          Bank        Bank
               In thousands of Naira                       December     December     December    December
                                                               2017          2016         2017        2016
               Balance at the beginning of the year         5,938,662    7,780,824     5,004,160    6,442,311
               Tax paid                                   (9,458,675)   (8,007,140)   (7,860,615)   (5,222,302)
               Income tax charge                           10,887,942    6,905,639     7,404,375    4,380,916
               Prior year’s under provision                 1,841,940           -      1,841,940          -
               Witholding tax utilisation                 (1,841,940)     (596,764)   (1,841,940)   (596,765)
               Translation adjustments                       121,655      (143,897)           -           -
               Balance at the end of the year               7,489,586    5,938,662     4,547,920    5,004,160

               Income tax liability is to be within one year

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  299
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   294   295   296   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304