P. 338

(c )    Borrowings from related parties

               In thousands of Naira                                             Subsidiaries        Total
               Borrowings at 1 January 2017                                        74,425,046    74,425,046
               Net movement during the year                                       (74,425,046)   (74,425,046)

               Borrowings at 31 December 2017                                             -              -

               Interest expenses on borrowings                                      3,268,610     3,268,610

               The borrowings from subsidiaries represent the borrowings of Access Bank Plc from Access Finance BV in respect of the
               dollar guaranteed notes issued by Access Finance B.V, Netherlands which matured on 25 July 2017. The notes were is-
               sued on 25 July 2012 for a year of 5 years with the principal amount repayable at the end of the tenor while interest on the
               Notes is payable semi-annually at 7.34%, in arrears on 25 January  and 25 July in each year. The annual effective interest
               rate is 7.79%. In October 2016 , USD 112,997,000 out  of  USD 350,000,000  was  exchanged at a premium  for  a new
               note issued  by Access  Bank Plc.
               The notes matured on 25 July 2017 and it was fully redeemed.

                (d)    Other balances and transactions with related parties

                                                                 Directors (and
                                                              close family mem-
                                                                bers and related                     Total
               In thousands of Naira                                  entities)  Subsidiaries

               Cash and cash equivalent                                      -      21,126,935    21,126,935
               Deposit from financial institutions                           -       326,279        326,279
               Receivables                                                   -       462,754        462,754
               Other Liabilities                                             -       347,385        347,385
               Fee and commission expense                                    -       716,978        716,978
               Off balance sheet exposures                                   -       850,714        850,714

                (e)    Key management personnel compensation for the year comprises:

               Directors’ remuneration
                                                                                       Bank          Bank
               In thousands of Naira                                          December 2017  December 2016
               Non-executive Directors
               Fees                                                                   58,125         51,875
               Other emoluments:
               Allowances                                                            411,044        320,335
                                                                                     469,169       372,210

               Executive directors
               Short term employee’s benefit                                         237,820        264,220
               Defined contribution plan                                              14,364         14,813
               Share based payment                                                   39,189          52,960
               Long term incentive plan                                              707,744             -
                                                                                     999,117        331,993

          338 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   333   334   335   336   337   338   339   340   341   342   343