P. 333

i   (a)                       Statutory reserves     SMEEIS Reserves                Total
               In thousands of Naira    December     December   December    December     December   December
                                             2017        2016        2017        2016         2017      2016
              Opening                   61,788,644    49,271,343    826,568    826,568    62,615,212   50,097,911
              Transfes during the year   7,946,944    12,517,301         -           -      7,946,944   12,517,301
              Closing                   69,735,588    61,788,644    826,568    826,568    70,562,156   62,615,212

              In thousand of Naira

              Opening                   52,174,504    42,570,584    826,568    826,568    53,001,072   43,397,152
              Transfes during the year   7,985,824    9,603,920          -           -      7,985,824    9,603,920
              Closing                   60,160,328   52,174,504    826,568     826,568    60,986,896   53,001,072

                (ii)    Share scheme reserve
                      This represents the total expenses incurred in providing the Bank’s shares to its qualifying staff members under
                      the RSPP scheme.

                (iii)    Treasury shares
                      This represents the shares held by the new RSPP scheme which have not yet been allocated to staff based on
                      the pre-determined vesting conditions.

                (iv)    Capital reserve
                      This balance represents the surplus nominal value of the reconstructed shares of the Bank which was
                       transferred from the share capital account to the capital reserve account after the share capital reconstruction
                      in October 2006. The Shareholders approved the reconstruction of 13,956,321,723 ordinary shares of 50 kobo
                       each of the Bank in issue to 6,978,160,860 ordinary shares of 50 kobo each by the creation of 1 ordinary shares
                       previously held.
                (v)    Fair value reserve
                      The fair value reserve comprises the net cumulative change in the fair value of available-for-sale investments
                      until the investment is derecognised or impaired.

                (vi)    Foreign currency translation reserve
                      This balance appears only in the Group accounts and represents the foreign currency exchange difference
                      arising from translating the results and financial position of all the group entities (none of which has the currency
                      of a hyper-inflationary economy) that have a functional currency different from the presentation currency.

                (vii)    Regulatory risk reserve
                      The regulatory risk reserves warehouses the difference between the allowance for impairment losses on
                      balance on loans and advances based on Central Bank of Nigeria prudential guidelines and Central Bank of the
                      foreign subsidiaries regulations, compared with the loss incurred model used in calculating the impairment
                      under IFRSs.

               (viii)    Retained earnings
                      Retained earnings are the carried forward recognised income net of expenses plus current year profit
                      attributable to shareholders.

                E     Non-controlling interest
                      This represents the Non-controlling interest’s (NCI) portion of the net assets of the Group

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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