P. 330

Increase in  Liability     Total
                 In thousands of Naira                                   assumption  changes comprehensive
                                                                              by 1%       to        income
               Effect of changes in the assumption to the discount rate     Decrease inliability by
                                                                               5.2%  2,352,750     129,166

               Effect of changes in assumption to the salary growth      Increase in the liability by
                                                                               5.2%  2,611,416    (129,500)

               Effect of changes in assumption to the mortality rate  Increase in the liability by
                                                                               0.3%  2,488,587      (6,671)

               31 December 2016                            Impact on defined benefit obligation
                                                                         Decrease in   Liability     Total
                 In thousands of Naira                                   assumption   changes comprehensive
                                                                              by 1%        to       income
               Effect of changes in the assumption to the discount rate     Increase in liability by
                                                                               7.7%  3,232,367    (167,770)

               Effect of changes in assumption to the salary growth      Decrease in liability by
                                                                              6.75%  2,909,189     155,408

               Effect of changes in assumption to the mortality rate  Decrease in liability by
                                                                              6.75%  3,057,012       7,585

               31 December 2017                            Impact on defined benefit obligation

                                                                        Increase in  Liability       Total
                 In thousands of Naira                                 assumption   changes comprehensive
                                                                             by 1%        to        income

               Effect of changes in the assumption to the discount rate     Increase in the liability by
                                                                             6.9%  2,910,376       154,221

               Effect of changes in assumption to the salary growth      Increase in the liability by
                                                                             7.3%  3,232,322      (167,725)

               Effect of changes in assumption to the mortality rate  Increase in the liability by
                                                                            0.03%  3,073,008        (8,411)

               The above sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all another assumptions sonstant. In
               practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated. When calculating the sensi-
               tivity of the defined benefit obligation to significant actuarial assumptions the same method (present value of the defined
               benefit obligation calculated with the projected unit credit method at the end of the year) has been applied as when cal-
               culating the pension liability recognised within the statement of financial position. The methods and types of assumptions
               used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change compared to the previous year.

               Actuarial assumptions:
               Principal actuarial assumptions at the reporting date (expressed as weighted averages):
               The most recent valuation was performed by Alexander Forbes as at 31 December 2017.

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