P. 331

December 2017   December 2016

               Discount rate                                                      14.70%           16.70%
               Future salary increases                                             5.00%            5.00%
               Retirement age for both male and female                            60 years         60 years
               Retirement rate: 50 – 59 (average rate)                             3.40%            3.40%
               Withdrawal rate: 16 – 29                                            4.50%            4.50%
               Withdrawal rate: 30 – 44                                            6.00%            6.00%
               Withdrawal rate: 45 – 50                                            5.00%            5.00%
               Withdrawal rate: 51 – 55 (average rate)                             3.75%            3.75%

               Assumptions regarding future mortality before retirement are based on A49/52 ultimate table published by the Institute of
               Actuaries of United Kingdom. The rate used to discount post employment benefit obligations has been determined by ref-
               erence to the yield on Nigerian Government bonds of medium duration. This converts into an effective yield of 14.70% as
               at 31 December 2017.  For members in active service as at the valuation date, the projected unit credit method of valuation
               as required under the IFRS has been adopted.

                38    Capital and reserves
                A       Share capital

                                                                                       Bank          Bank
                 In thousands of Naira                                        December 2017  December 2016

                (a)      Authorised:
                      Ordinary shares:
                      38,000,000,000 Ordinary shares of 50k each                   19,000,000    19,000,000

                      Preference shares:
                      2,000,000,000 Preference shares of 50k each                   1,000,000     1,000,000
                                                                                   20,000,000    20,000,000

                                                                                       Bank          Bank
                 In thousands of Naira                                        December 2017  December 2016

                (b)      Issued and fully paid-up :
                      28,927,971,631 Ordinary shares of 50k each                   14,463,986    14,463,986

               Ordinary shareholding:
               The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to vote
               at meetings of the Bank. All ordinary shares rank pari-passu with the same rights and benefits at meetings of the Bank.

               Preference shareholding:
               Preference shares do not carry the right to vote. Preference shareholders have priority over ordinary shareholders with
               regard to the residual assets of the Bank and participate only to the extent of the face value of the shares plus any accrued
               dividends. No preference shares were in issue as at the end of the year

               The movement on the issued and fully paid-up share capital account during the year was as follows:

                                                                                       Bank          Bank
                 In thousands of Naira                                        December 2017  December 2016
               Balance, beginning of year                                         14,463,986     14,463,986
               Balance, end of year                                               14,463,986     14,463,986

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  331
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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