P. 328

(l)     The amount of N122,585,415,103 represents the outstanding balance on the excess crude account loans
                        granted to the bank by the Central Bank of Nigeria for onward disbursements to state governments.
                       The facility has a tenor of 20 years with a 2% interest payable to the CBN. The Bank is under obligation to
                       on-lend to the states at an all-in interest rate of 9% per annum. From this creditor, the bank has nil undrawn
                       balance as at 31 December 2017.

               (m)  Movement in interest bearing loans and borrowings:

               In thousands of Naira                                                   Group          Bank
               Balance as at 1 January 2017                                        299,543,707    372,179,785
               Proceeds from interest bearing borrowings                            43,577,454    13,337,947
               Repayment of interest bearing borrowings                            (34,371,397)   (99,011,336)
               Total changes from financing cash flows                             308,749,764    286,506,396
               The effect of changes in foreign exchange rates                       4,664,912     4,319,235
               Other changes
               Interest expense                                                     12,373,830    11,070,759
               Interest paid                                                       (14,171,319)   (19,605,250)
               Balance as at 31 December 2017                                     311,617,187    282,291,140

                37     Retirement benefit obligation

                                                           Group          Group         Bank          Bank
               In thousands of Naira                    December      December      December      December
                                                            2017           2016          2017         2016

               Recognised liability for defined benefit  2,481,916      3,064,597    2,481,916    3,064,597
                obligations (see note (a) below)
               Liability for defined contribution obligations    13,358    10,856           -             -
                                                        2,495,274      3,075,453     2,481,916    3,064,597

               (a)     Defined benefit obligations
               The amounts recognised in the statement of financial position are as follows:

                                                           Group          Group         Bank          Bank
               In thousands of Naira                    December      December      December      December
                                                            2017           2016          2017         2016
               Post employment benefit plan  (see note (i) below)    2,481,916    3,064,597    2,481,916    3,064,597
               Recognised liability                      2,481,916      3,064,597    2,481,916     3,064,597

               (i)    Post employment benefit plan

               The Bank operates a non-contributory, unfunded lump sum defined benefit post employment benefit plan for top exec-
               utive management of the Bank from General Manager and above based on the number of years spent in these positions.
               The scheme is also aimed at rewarding executive directors and other senior executives for the contributions to achieving
               the Bank’s long-term growth objectives.

               There is no funding arrangement with a trustee for the Post employment benefit plan as the Bank pays for all obligations
               from its current year profit as such obligations fall due. Depending on their grade, executive staff of the Bank upon retire-

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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