P. 336

Bank           Bank          Bank          Bank
                 In thousands of Naira            December 2017 December 2016  December 2017  December 2016

               Cash on hand and balances with banks     184,867,177    68,423,783    144,763,718    59,637,792
               Unrestricted balances with central banks    28,837,649    139,954,922    7,976,547    33,160,736
               Money market placements               261,805,783    119,826,012    28,157,562    41,798,197
               Investment under management            17,913,690     13,041,247    17,913,690    13,041,247
                                                     493,424,299   341,245,964    198,811,517    147,637,972
               Cash and cash equivalent for the purpose of the preparation of the statement of cash flows excludes cash collaterals held
               for letters of credit and the mandatory cash deposit held with the Central Bank of Nigeria.

                41    Contraventions of the Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act of Nigeria and CBN’s circulars

                      S/N     Regulatory Body      Infraction
                      i)      Central Bank of Nigeria   Sum of  N60 million in respect of BVN registration
                      ii)     Central Bank of Nigeria   Sum of N6 million in respect of unutilized foreign exchange from CBN
                      iii)    Central Bank of Nigeria   Sum of N2 million for non-compliance regards Bancassurance
                      iv)     Central Bank of Nigeria   Sum of  N2 million in respect of CBN FX examination
                      v)      Central Bank of Nigeria   Sum of  N4 million in respect of injection of capital to subsidiaries
                      vi)     Central Bank of Nigeria   Sum of  N2 million in respect of KYC requirement
                      vii)    Central Bank of Nigeria   Sum of  N2 million in respect of the non-implementation of external auditor’s

                42    Events after reporting date
                      Subsequent to the end of the reporting year, the Board of Directors proposed a final dividend of 40k each payable
                       to shareholders on register of shareholding at the closure date.
                      There are no other post balance sheet event that require disclosure in these consolidated financial statements.
                43    Related party transactions
                      Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise influence
                      over the other party in making financial and operational decisions, or one other party controls both. The definition
                      includes subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and the Group’s pension schemes, as well as key management

                      Transactions with key management personnel
                      The Group’s key management personnel, and persons connected with them, are also considered to be related
                       parties. The definition of key management includes the close members of family of key personnel and any entity
                       over which key management exercise control. The key management personnel have been identified as the
                       executive and non-executive directors of the Group. Close members of family are those family members who may
                        be expected to influence, or be influenced by that individual in their dealings with Access Bank Plc and its

                       The parent company, which is also the ultimate parent company, is Access Bank Plc.

                (a)    Loans and advances to related parties
                       The bank granted various credit facilities to its subsidiary companies and key management personnel.
                       Key Management Personnel is defined as members of the Board of Directors of the bank, including their close
                       members of family and any entity over which they exercise control. Close member of family are those who may be
                       expected to influence or be influenced by that individual in dealings with the bank.
                       The rates and terms agreed are comparable to other facilities being held in the bank’s portfolio.  Details of these
                       are described below:

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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