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               At Access Bank, we are committed to supporting the   Number of community groups engaged  35.7
               growth and prosperity of our communities, hence we make
               deliberate  efforts  to  support  various  projects,  organiza-  Number of pregnant women provided   4,537
                                                               with treated long lasting insecticide net
               tions, and events focused on making a positive difference
               in the communities in which we live and work. Our priority   Number of people reached through   15,000
                                                               seminars on Malaria to Zero
               areas are: health, education, sports, arts, environment and
               social welfare. We have since 2015 invested N3.48billion in   Number of people reached with infor-  1,032,000
                                                               mation, education and communication
               various corporate social responsibility initiatives, thereby   materials
               impacting 690 communities, reaching 19,982,425 lives and
               358 Non-Governmental Organisations. Some of our most
               notable social investments in the past year include:
                                                              ACCESS BANK LAGOS CITY MARATHON
               •   Malaria-to-Zero Initiative
               •   Access Bank Lagos City Marathon            In 2017, the Bank strengthened its partnership with the La-
                                                              gos State Government to successfully host the second edi-
               •   UNICEF Fifth Chukker Polo Tournament
                                                              tion of the Access Bank Lagos City Marathon. This partner-
               •   Partnership for Impactful Community Development  ship aims to provide strategic support in the area of sports
                                                              whilst promoting healthy and active living through fitness
               MALARIA-to-ZERO INITIATIVE                     and exercise. The event which was approved by the Athlet-
                                                              ics Federation of Nigeria and endorsed by the International
               Malaria is a major public health problem in Nigeria where it   Association of Athletics Federations drew athletes from
               accounts for more cases and deaths than any other coun-  across the globe. The 2017 edition was ranked 2nd in Africa
               try in the world. The statistics around malaria are not only   immediately after the Cape Town Marathon by the All-Ath-
               shocking, but they are also disheartening. According to The marathon also emerged 71st amongst over
               WHO (2016), Malaria is a risk to 76% of the Nigerian pop-  1000 international marathons globally.
               ulation. There are an estimated 100 million malaria cases
               with over 300,000 deaths per year in Nigeria.

               The  Malaria-to-Zero  Initiative  is  an  innovative  financing   UNICEF FIFTH CHUKKER POLO TOURNAMENT
               platform to galvanize private sector resources and capa-  The UNICEF Charity Shield Polo Tournament is one of the
               bilities for sustained support towards averting at least one   key  initiatives,  sponsored  by  Access  Bank  to  drive  devel-
               million malaria cases and deaths by 2020. This is a first step   opment in the communities it serves. The 2017 edition of
               towards complementing government’s effort in achieving   the Access Bank-UNICEF Charity Shield Polo tournament
               its malaria pre-elimination goals by 2020. The five focus ar-  was designed to raise more awareness on the plight of
               eas of this intervention include increasing the coverage of   vulnerable children and orphans especially the Internally
               the following:                                 Displaced Persons (IDPs) scattered across Northern Ni-
                                                              geria. The tournament which was in two phases, started in
               •   Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS)             Kaduna State and climaxed in the UK with the Access Bank
                                                              Charity Shield Polo Day at the prestigious Guards Polo Club
               •   Seasonal Malaria Chemoprophylaxis (SMC) - which is   in London. The range of events which featured celebrities
                   preventive medication taken during the season when   from different parts of the globe, proved to be yet another
                   malaria is predominant
                                                              platform for galvanizing funds from different individuals to-
               •   Management of Severe Malaria               wards supporting the less priviledged in Northern Nigeria.
                                                              The Bank, in line with this year’s goal, donated N10,000,000
               •   Demand creation                            to UNICEF for the cause.

               •   In-country research and capacity building
                                                              PARTNERSHIP FOR IMPACTFUL COMMUNITY DEVEL-
                                                              Access Bank Plc in its drive for sustainable development
                Description                     Recipients
                                                              strongly believes that health and productivity are in-
                Number of people reached in rural com-  273,000  terlinked themes that strongly determine our ability to
                munities with malaria information.
                                                              achieve a sustainable society. For over 10 years we have

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  55
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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