P. 51
37 locations. In line with our strategic plan to improve the • Paper Saving Team Challenges - Paper Champions are
capacity of waste recycling businesses locally, the Bank selected and rewarded with mouth-watering prizes
also donated recycling waste pick-up trucks to its waste
recycling off-takers Parallel Points and Recycle Points – • Monthly and Quarterly Benefit Updates and many
empowering them to ensure sustainable waste manage- more
ment is embedded locally. Furthermore, a comprehensive The ‘No Paper Initiative’ has facilitated further reduction in
training on sustainable waste management practices was our paper consumption and ensured the sustainability of
organised to educate our employees on responsible en- our environment.
vironmental waste management practices, which led to a
paradigm shift in their perspective of waste as a resource.
Today, the Bank has achieved a 92.64% reduction in waste-
to-landfill at its 37 locations. With plans to expand this inno- Energy Consumption
vative initiative, the positive impact will be both significant
and ground-breaking going into the future. Improving the Shut-down Policy - Efficiency improve-
ment policies and practices are adopted by Access Bank
to facilitate reduction in our total energy consumption. In
2017, this was achieved through further expansion of the
Alternative Energy Bank’s early closure policy which was enforced by shut-
ting down power at the head office by 7.00pm instead of
Access Bank understands the negative environmental im- 8.00pm, and branch offices at 6.00pm. The early shutdown
pact of inefficient energy consumption. This is why we have policy reviewed in June 2017 resulted in a further 24.9% re-
embraced the utilization of new environmental friendly duction in diesel consumption (year-to-date).
technologies to power our business for sustainable pro-
ductivity. Presently, the Bank has:
• Over 257 solar-powered ATMs accounting for 14% of ETHICS, ANTI-CORRUPTION &
total ATMs of the Bank WHISTLEBLOWING
• 4 new solar-powered branches At Access Bank, we are strongly committed to high ethical
standards and integrity. We continue to create awareness
• 311 branches (98%) are hybrid (inverter + public power amongst our staff on the importance of ethical conduct,
supply + generator) while maintaining a corporate culture that rewards hon-
est practices and discourages unethical actions. The Bank
• The Ogunlana Drive Branch, Lagos is fully powered by demonstrates its continuous commitment to ethical prac-
solar energy with no connection to the national grid tices by working with leading institutions to build capacity
for ethical behaviour amongst its employees. In order to
• Motion sensitive LED lightings at its Head Office
enable staff and other members of the public to report
• LED lightings in all its facilities nationwide unethical activities affecting the Bank, we have deployed a
robust whistleblowing system. This enables our internal and
This has greatly impacted our carbon emission reduction external stakeholders to report unethical activities affect-
and in turn minimized our impact on the environment, ing the Bank, so that the Bank can implement measures
contributing to on-going global efforts on environmental- to address them before they escalate into future liabilities,
ly-friendly practices. business threats and losses. Details of the whistleblowing
channels are provided below:
resource efficiency Through the KPMG Ethics Line
The ‘No Paper Initiative’ - At Access Bank, protecting the
environment has always been of paramount importance to Toll free numbers for calls from MTN numbers only:
us. We have demonstrated this through the continuous en- 0703-000-0026; 0703-000-0027
gagement in sustainability initiatives. Toll free number for calls from Airtel numbers only:
0708 060 1222; 0808-822-8888
As part of our commitment to our sustainability goals, we
introduced the ‘No Paper Initiative’. This Initiative aims to Toll free number for calls from ETISALAT
help reduce our paper usage by getting us to think more numbers only: 0809 993 6366
about the implications of our actions on our environment.
Some of the activities under this initiative include: Toll free number for calls from GLO numbers
only: 0705 889 0140
• Paper Saving Tips
In order to instil the highest ethical and legal standards as
• Automated Memo Approval System well as comply with applicable international laws, we have
Access BAnk Plc 51
Annual Report & Accounts 2017