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SKILLS ACqUISITION TRAINING It is worthy of note that some of the graduates went ahead
to set up verifiable small scale businesses, became trainers
The year 2017 witnessed the successful completion of a in other businesses (salons /fashion) and mentors to the
3-year Skills Acquisition Training programme commenced other trainees.
in 2015 by the Bank’s Retail Operations Group. The pro-
gramme was aimed at training and empowering disadvan- Staff members anchored trainings held at regular intervals
taged women across Nigeria with vocational skills in cater- in various locations. Key staff members which included Sub
ing, fashion or hairdressing. Zonal Heads and Zonal Heads spent a minimum of 2 hours
weekly at each centre, while Branch Managers and Assis-
The Group partnered with FSD Vocational Training & Entre- tant Branch Managers spent a minimum of 3 hours at var-
preneurial Training Institute to train beneficiaries in Lagos, ious training centres. The Project spanned for 3 years and
Abuja, Ibadan, Calabar, Enugu and Kaduna. The trainees trainees were monitored upon graduation for a period of 6
included women from vulnerable groups like the Internally months – 1 year.
Displaced Person camps inmates, widows and rape victims.
The trainees also attended seminars and business trainings In March 2017, 120 women were selected from various lo-
and upon graduation, were given equipment such as ovens/ cations; Chibok, Ibadan, Calabar and Lagos and were host-
stoves, dryers and sewing machines to enable them estab- ed at the Bank’s Head Office with the Bank’s Group Manag-
lish small scale businesses. The graduates are thereafter ing Director, Herbert Wigwe as the keynote speaker.
monitored regularly via visits to locations as well as follow
up seminars at the centre by SMEDAN/FSD.
A total of 327 women were impacted through this initiative.
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Annual Report & Accounts 2017