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identify and mitigate the inherent and potential risks in our   sential quality when moving from the intimate to the mass
               digital portfolio. It serves as a starting point for dealing with   market in a push to recruit and retain millions of customers
               fraud-related issues on digital platforms.     over the next five years. To date, over N100 million worth of
                                                              transactions have been carried out by users chatting with
               Digitising PayDay Loans and Account Opening    An extension of the Basement concept, the Africa Fintech
                                                              Foundry (AFF) initiative offers a way to capture and direct
               Over the last year, the Bank has optimised and digitised
               the loan process for salary-earning customers. The Bank’s   externally generated innovation to the Bank’s bottom line.
               USSD (*901#) channel now serves as a platform to enable   Through organised developer-community events, such as
               salary earners to receive instant loans secured against their   the March 2017 edition of the Recode Nigeria hackathon,
               pay day. With the value of loans disbursed to customers on   broad-based industry conferences such as the AFF Dis-
               this platform standing at over N1 billion, the initiative has   rupt conference in December 2017 and growth-focused
               since been extended by way of strategic partnerships with   collaborations such as the current cohort of the AFF Ac-
               SystemSpec’s Remitta product, to include non-Access   celerator programme taking place in the new state-of-the-
               Bank customers, bringing over two million salary earners   art  “Foundry”  building  between  February  and  June  2018,
               into the scheme.                               the  AFF  identifies  and  selectively  focuses  the  efforts  of
                                                              emerging fintech disruptors on working collaboratively with
               In the first half of the year, the account opening process   the Bank to increase customer value and reduce the Bank’s
               was digitally enhanced with the implementation of a simpli-  cost-to-serve.
               fied instant account opening using our USSD solution (on
               the *901# code) to support our retail market storms. The
               Bank’s reach and value propositions were extended and   Ondigo
               impacted a wider range of customers, who opened 45,000
               accounts in the first phase of the retail campaign. Conse-  Finally, the recent soft launch of the Bank’s all-inclusive
               quently, a new e-mail account opening platform (the first   Mobile Banking application, Ondigo, allows users to cre-
               ever of its kind) was delivered which enabled the on-board-  ate virtual cards. Adult users can gift these virtual cards to
               ing of new customers via internally generated email. Pro-  their children and dependents, increase their savings and
               spective customers were able to receive their new Access   perform a wide range of other banking transactions. The
               Bank account numbers within 30 seconds, once their de-  product, developed using agile methodology, delivers in-
               tails were sent to the specified e-mail address.  cremental  features  such  as  account  opening,  inter-bank
                                                              transfers and airtime purchase, among others, to an audi-
               In the month of October, the Personal Banking team used   ence of millennials and digital citizens who prefer modern
               our various digital tools to sign on 2.8 million new custom-  modes of interaction for their banking services.
                                                              The ongoing digital transformation of the Bank touches on
                                                              all facets of banking operations and is underpinned by the
                                                              current development of a continent-wide payments plat-
               Digital Factory, Basement and Africa Fintech Foundry
                                                              form to facilitate intra-Africa trade for customers and pros-
               In addition to the PayDay Loan and USSD/e-mail account   pects on the continent and beyond.
               opening solutions above, the Bank has expanded on the
               Finnotech concept, previously encapsulated in the Base-
               ment ideation platform. Transforming ideas into digital
               solutions, the Bank’s digital factory now delivers trending
               innovation, building solutions in response to challenges and
               opportunities facing the Bank.
               One such solution identified by the Basement programme
               is  “Tamara”,  an  artificial  intelligence-driven  chat-bot  de-
               signed to connect with and converse with millennial cus-
               tomers and prospects, giving them access to banking
               products and services using natural language processing
               and machine learning to mimic the tone and mannerisms
               of a human operator.

               Tamara’s ability to hold millions of simultaneous conversa-
               tions, each one uniquely tuned to the requirements of the
               individual at the other end of the chat line, gives the Bank
               a unique combination of scale and customisation; an es-

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  43
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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