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growth in Mobile Banking adoption,109% growth in trans-  •   Excellence in Mobile Banking (New Age Banking
               action volume and the addition of two million cards to the   Awards)
               Bank’s card portfolio.
                                                              In our drive to deepen financial services, we consolidated
               The Bank continued to maintain its dominant position in the   our existing strategic partnership with the Federal Govern-
               ATM market space with the deployment of ATM services to   ment and other Development Partners in the North East
               strategic locations with high foot falls. By the end of 2017,   through our Mobile Money services. Three key International
               the Bank had deployed 347 ATMs, bringing the total ATM   NGOs were signed on, namely Christian Aid, International
               portfolio to 1,830 ATMs, with 27% of these at offsite loca-  Rescue Committee and the Food and Agricultural Organi-
               tions. In keeping with our tradition of providing innovative   zation (FAO). These partnerships resulted in 125% achieve-
               solutions, we invested in an ATM monitoring app that en-  ment of planned transaction value.
               abled us to ensure over 96% ATM uptime in the delivery of
               services to customers and non-customers of Access Bank.   While 2017 turned out to be a very challenging year for the
               Today, Access Bank is the best rated bank for ATM Efficien-  industry, occasioned by digital disruption, our resilience
               cy Ratio in the industry.                      created the platform to deliver on all fronts. Various creative
                                                              features, platform stability and transaction monitoring ini-
               Access Bank moved from fourth position at the start of   tiatives executed by the Bank improved our performances
               2017 to close the year as second in POS transaction value.   across all platforms.
               The Bank won several awards in recognition of the growth
               and stability of our e-payments platforms. These awards   In 2018, we will sustain and consolidate our existing leader-
               included:                                      ship position in transaction banking and settlements. This
                                                              will be achieved through streamlined, simplified and auto-
               •   Most Digital-Forward Bank Across All Channels (Inter-  mated end-to-end processes, “always on” service chan-
                   Switch)                                    nels, enhanced data analytics governance, and an endur-
                                                              ing service delivery model consistent with our promise of
               •   Fastest-Growing Payment Partner (InterSwitch)  Speed, Service and Security.


               IT is at the heart of almost every innovation and therefore has

               a key role to play in a sustainable future. Within the Bank, it
               has promoted efficiency and stability. Looking outward, It has
               made great strides in stabilising operations, guaranteeing re-

               liability and generating confidence in all that we do, while also
               ensuring we can better work with partners, deliver new services
               and onboard new clients. That way, we foster a sustainable fu-

               ture economically,  socially and environmentally.

               The continuous evolution of IT has set the stage for an un-  of our customers.
               precedented digital transformation of financial services de-
               livery, leading to an all-time high increase in the volume, val-  Leveraging this wave of change, the IT Group has been able
               ue and velocity of financial activities across the globe. This   to secure tomorrow with dynamic and best-in-class solu-
               has radically changed the landscape in which we operate.   tions to underpin sustainable banking processes for the
               While this portends a new set of technology and business   Bank and our customers around the globe.
               risks, it also presents the Bank with fresh opportunities and   Being an enabler to other divisions in the Bank, we have en-
               levers to meet the increasingly sophisticated expectations
                                                              gendered stability across the back-end infrastructure, ap-

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  39
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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