P. 42


               DIGITAL BANKING

               By putting digitisation at the centre of what
               we do, access Bank is delivering a sustainable

               tomorrow in all areas of our operations. To do so,
               we are introducing comprehensive policies and

               innovative solutions that are revolutionising
               the financial lives of existing customers while

               attracting millions of new ones. We are also
               extending this sea-change in the virtual

               sphere, with intelligent informational

               and transactional solutions that are
               providing a sustainable future in many

               more ways than had been thought

                                                                          Having  firmly  established  innovation  and
                                                                         digital transformation at the core of the
                                                                       Bank’s strategic plan, we have continued to
                                                                      set the pace in three mission-critical areas: digi-
                                                                    tising the key customer-facing processes of the
                                                                   Bank; identifying, surfacing and operationalising
                                                                  game-changing ideas generated from within the Bank
                                                                through the Basement and Digital Factory initiatives; and
                                                               finally, sourcing, harnessing and commercialising external-
                                                             ly located disruption from the larger technology ecosystem
                                                            through partnerships and collaborations utilising our recently
                                                           launched Africa Fintech Foundry initiative as an onboarding ve-

                                                    DIGITAL RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK

                                                  In the context of the Bank’s digital ambitions, it’s fitting that governance and
                                                control of all digital initiatives are strengthened to minimise the impact of risk
                                               on our digital product portfolio while supporting the rapid evaluation and mitiga-
                                              tion of risk for newly introduced digital products now and in the near future.
                                           A new comprehensive Digital Risk Management Policy provides us the framework to

           42 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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