P. 38



               SERVICES,  SETTLEMENT

               BANKING AND IT

               Sustainability is now at the heart of many trans-

               actional banking services, with the move to
               card, mobile and online transactions all re-

               ducing the requirement for cash. efficient

               24-hour ATM access also reduces the

               need to carry money, while working with
               NGOs has greatly increased the avail-

               ability of Mobile Money. In all of these

               areas, the Bank has made impressive
               strides in innovating for a sustain-

               able and inclusive tomorrow and

               has the awards to prove it.

                                                                        In  2017,  Access  Bank  continued  to  offer  a
                                                                        wide range of transactional banking services,
                                                                      including cash management, international trade
                                                                     services,  card and web  transaction settlements,
                                                                   mobile and online banking services.
                                                                 The Bank consistently delivered on its promise of
                                                               Speed, Service and Security through innovative and se-
                                                              cure transaction platforms, a demonstration that excep-
                                                             tional service delivery is indeed an everyday reality for us in
                                                           Access Bank.

                                                         A major focus for 2017 was to consolidate on the gains of 2016
                                                       by further enhancing our entire network and existing payments plat-
                                                      forms by implementing features that address market needs while fully
                                                    exploiting emerging opportunities.

                                                  During  the  year,  we  commenced  operations  in  10  new  business  offices
                                                 within Nigeria to enhance our capacity to provide world-class services. We
                                               additionally launched our 21st century branch design to further improve the
                                              customer experience and provide access to 24-hour self service facilities.

                                           Through  the  various  creative  initiatives  implemented,  there  was  a  significant  in-
                                          crease in the adoption and usage of our payment platforms. The Bank achieved 133%

           38 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43